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Zobrazují se záznamy 2551 - 2575 z celkového počtu 2619

Levý, Jiří. On the relations of language and stanza pattern in the English sonnet. In: Levý, Jiří. Paralipomena. 1971, s. 43–61.

Levý, Jiří. The meanings of form and the forms of meaning. In: Levý, Jiří. Paralipomena. 1971, s. 97–109.

Levý, Jiří. A contribution to the typology of accentual-syllabic versifications. In: Levý, Jiří. Paralipomena. 1971, s. 9–21.

Slavica litteraria. Slavica litteraria. 2018, roč. 21, č. 2, s. 147.

Bartoněk, Antonín. Chrestomathy of Ancient Greek dialect inscriptions. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Chréstomatie starořeckých nářečních nápisů. 2011, s. 229–236.

Schildberger, František. Bibliografie. In: Schildberger, František. Podoby české literární reportáže. 2020, s. 205–215.

Schildberger, František. The ways of Czech literary reportage : summary. In: Schildberger, František. Podoby české literární reportáže. 2020, s. 203–204.

Ježek, Miroslav. Research methodology. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 111–117.

Ježek, Miroslav. Introduction. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 9–15.

Ježek, Miroslav. Appendix 2. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 250–269.

Ježek, Miroslav. List of phonetic symbols. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 241–242.

Ježek, Miroslav. List of tables. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 237–239.

Ježek, Miroslav. Research results: quantitative and qualitative analyses. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 119–208.

Ježek, Miroslav. List of figures. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 240.

Ježek, Miroslav. Received pronunciation: Upton's model. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, s. 67–110.

Hlubinková, Zuzana. Summary. In: Hlubinková, Zuzana. Tvoření slov ve východomoravských nářečích. 2010, s. 263–264.

Titz, Karel. Entre... et.... In: Titz, Karel. La substitution des cas dans les pronoms Français. 1926, s. 19–30.

Titz, Karel. La substitution des cas dans le déclinaison des pronoms est-elle romane?. In: Titz, Karel. La substitution des cas dans les pronoms Français. 1926, s. 75–78.

Kšicová, Danuše. From modernism to the avant-garde : Russian-Czech parallels. In: Kšicová, Danuše. Od moderny k avantgardě : rusko-české paralely. 2007, s. 432–435.

Lollok, Marek. Criticism in motion literary criticism and metacriticism of the 1990s : summary. In: Lollok, Marek. Kritika v pohybu : literární kritika a metakritika 90. let 20. století. 2019, s. 169–171.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place as social space. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 18–28.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place and the early writing of Iain Sinclair. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 93–105.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. People of the Black Mountains 2: The eggs of the eagle. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 80–92.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Downriver. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 113–125.