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Displaying 301 - 325 of 466

Choda, Kamil. Apocalypse now? : the ambiguous eschatology of Gregory of Tours. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2015, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 47–58.

Liberati, Ilaria. L'oleandro nell'ambiente mediterraneo, tra vicende linguistiche e culturali. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2015, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 77–88.

Gachallová, Natália. Rhetoric and philosophy in the age of the Second Sophistic : real conflict or fight for controversy?. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2015, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 19–32.

Ctibor, Michal. Paragraphs in classical Latin texts : problems with editing and the internal evidence from texts. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2017, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 17–29.

Černoch, Radek. CIL III, 4185 : "quisquis {h}e(ris)" or "quisquis he(res)"?. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2017, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 31–42.

Zkratky. Archaeologia historica. 2023, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 697–701.

Macůrek, Josef, Rejnuš, Miloš. Přílohy. In: Macůrek, Josef. , Rejnuš, Miloš. České země a Slovensko ve století před Bílou horou : z dějin vztahů v oblasti zemědělství, řemesla, obchodu a vzájemné obrany. 1958, pp. 171–392.

Racek, Jan. Použité zkratky. In: Racek, Jan. Kryštof Harant z Polžic a jeho doba. II. díl, Život. 1972, pp. 82.

Chronicon Moissiacense. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 60–61.

Annales Mettenses priores. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 53–57.

Annales Osterhovenses. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 277.

Annales Bohemici. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 312.

Annales Guelferbytani. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 29.

Ioannis Dlugossi Historiae Polonicae libri XII. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 325–326.

Chronica collecta a Magno presbytero; [Chronicon Magni presbiteri]. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 258–259.

Sigiberti Chronica. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 186–188.

Annales Tiliani. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 58–59.

Annales Ottenburani. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 154.

Annales Magdeburgenses. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 256–257.

Chronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii Scholastici libri IV. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 19–27.

Granum cathalogi praesulum Moraviae. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 314–316.

Galli Chronicon. In: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]. 1966, pp. 189.

[Doctor honoris cavsa]. In: Jan Firbas ve vzpomínkách. 2003, pp. 30–31.