Title: Convivium
Year: 2017
Volume: 4
Issue: Supplementum
Issue title
The European fortune of the Roman Veronica in the Middle Ages
Publication year
2336-3452 (print)
2336-808X (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/137728
- Edited by Amanda Murphy, Herbert L. Kessler, Marco Petoletti, Eamon Duffy & Guido Milanese with the collaboration of Veronika Tvrzníková
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
The literary warp and artistic weft of Veronica's cloth : introduction | 12–30
Kessler, Herbert L. |
The Cura sanitatis Tiberii a century after Ernst von Dobschütz | [32]–49
Izydorczyk, Zbigniew |
Veronica in the Vindicta Salvatoris | [50]–57
Gounelle, Rémi; Urlacher-Becht, Céline |
Vera Icon'? : the variable Veronica of medieval England | [58]–71
Windeatt, Barry |
De sacrosanto sudario Veronicae by Giacomo Grimaldi : preliminary investigations | [72]–83
Gallo, Federico |
Veronica' images and the office of the Holy Face in thirteenth-century England | [84]–99
Morgan, Nigel |
Title | Document |
Signatis... vultus tui : (Re) impressing the Holy Face before and after the European Cult of the Veronica | [102]–113
Kumler, Aden |
Innocent III and the Roman Veronica : Papal PR or Eucharistic icon? | [114]–125
Rist, Rebecca |
Quaesivi vultum tuum : liturgy, figura and Christ's presence | [126]–135
Milanese, Guido |
Face to face with Christ in Late medieval Rome : the Veil of Veronica in papal liturgy and ceremony | [136]–143
Bölling, Jörg |
Origins of the liturgical veneration of the Roman Veronica | [144]–155
Lang, Uwe Michael |
Title | Document |
The Roman hospital of Santo Spirito in Sassia and the cult of the Vera Icon | [158]–167
Drossbach, Gisela |
Eating the Face of Christ : Philip the Good and his physical relationship with Veronicas | [168]–179
Rudy, Kathryn M. |
Sui pretiossisimi vultus Imago : Veronica e prassi indulgenziale nel XIII e all'inizio del XIV secolo | [180]–193
Doublier, Étienne |
From holy images to liturgical devices : models, objects and rituals around the Veronicae of Christ and Mary in the Crown of Aragon (1300–1550) | [194]–217
Sureda i Jubany, Marc |
Datum Avenioni : the Avignon Papacy and the custody of the Veronica | [218]–229
Di Fruscia, Chiara |
Title | Document |
Où il y a une Veronique attachiée dedens' : images of the Veronica in religious manuscripts, with special attention for the Dukes of Burgundy and their family | [232]–249
van Asperen, Haneke |
The Veronica of Boniface of Verona | [250]–259
Petoletti, Marco; Piacentini, Angelo |
The iconography of the Veronica in the region of Lombardy: 13th–14th centuries | [260]–273
Candiani, Stefano |
The Roman Veronica and the Holy Face of Lucca: parallelism and tangents in the formation of their respective traditions | [274]–285
Savigni, Raffaele |
The Iconography of the Roman Veronica : from the repertoires of Karl Pearson to Veronica Route | [286]–301
Zardoni, Raffaella; Bossi, Emanuela; Murphy, Amanda |
Title | Document |
Photographic credits | [302]–303