
Displaying 2281 - 2310 of 2401


Lovino, Francesco. Leafing through Seminarium Kondakovianum, I. Studies on Byzantine Illumination. Convivium. 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 206–213.

Szakács, Béla Zsolt. Archaism, imitation, provincialism? : notes on the murals of Kosztolány - Kostoľany pod Tribečom. Convivium. 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 154–171.

Boreczky, Anna. The illustrated life of Apollonius and Tarsia : a "papyrus-style" narrative in Ottonian art. Convivium. 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 76–91.

Bernabò, Massimo, Kessel, Grigory. A Syriac Four Gospel Book in Diyarbakır. Convivium. 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 172–203.

Büchsel, Martin. Formgenese karolingischer Elfenbeine : Strukturen der Antikenrezeption. Convivium. 2016, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 40–59.

Gedevanishvili, Ekaterine. The Khakhuli dome decoration : eschatological and historical contexts. Convivium. 2021, vol. 8, iss. Supplementum 1, pp. 44–63.

Longo, Ruggero. The first Norman Cathedral in Palermo : Robert Guiscard's church of the Most Holy Mother of God. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 16–35.

Cianciolo Cosentino, Gabriella. The "Mongrel style" : one century of use and abuse of Sicilian syncretism. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 202–219.

De Giorgi, Manuela. Interazioni del sacro : forme e modelli di culto nella pittura bizantina di Puglia. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 112–125.

Photographic credits. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 220–221.

Borsook, Eve. A Solomonic throne for Salerno Cathedral?. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 36–49.

Scirocco, Elisabetta, Wolf, Gerhard. The Italian South: transcultural perspectives. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 11–14.

Streahle, Kristen. St George and the Trinacrian rebellion : art in Sicily during the later crusades. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 126–141.

Gangemi, Francesco. Hic situs est sanctus : l'arca di san Basso a Termoli, fra testo e contesto. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 80–95.

Novak Klemenčič, Renata. Artistic exchange between Dubrovnik and Naples in the time of Alfonso d'Aragona. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 170–183.

Tranchina, Antonino. Revealing the Emir's God: the Arabic inscription of the Dome of La Martorana. Convivium. 2018, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 50–65.

Foletti, Ivan, Rosenbergová, Sabina. Rome between lights and shadows : reconsidering "Renaissances" and "Decadence" in early medieval Rome. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 16–31.

Krausmüller, Dirk. In defense of tall tales : Methodius of Constantinople's literary activity during his stay in Rome. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 104–113.

Lešák, Martin F.. Stational liturgy and local history : Leo III's Apse mosaic at Santa Susanna. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 154–175.

Verardi, Andrea Antonio. Narrare il passaggio, guidare la transizione : strategie di comunicazione papale nella prima metà del secolo VIII. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 32–49.

Winterhager, Philipp. A pope, a king and three apses : architecture and prestige in eighth-century Rome and beyond. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 70–85.

Bordino, Chiara, Croci, Chiara. Rome on the borders : visual cultures during the Carolingian transition. Convivium. 2020, vol. 7, iss. Supplementum [2], pp. 11–14.