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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1493

Volná, Ludmila. Between memories and identity : How does one tell one's own story?. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2012, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 15–25.

Drápela, Martin. List of tables. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 11.

Drápela, Martin. Analysis. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 59–101.

Drápela, Martin. Methodology. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 49–58.

Drápela, Martin. References. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 107–114.

Drápela, Martin. List of abbreviations. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 13.

Drápela, Martin. Introduction. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 19–26.

Drápela, Martin. List of figures. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 9–10.

Drápela, Martin. Conclusions. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 103–106.

Drápela, Martin. Theory. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 27–47.

Drápela, Martin. Preface. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, pp. 15–17.

Hladký, Josef. Terminology. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 13–25.

Hladký, Josef. Summary. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 128–138.

Hladký, Josef. Czech-English dictionary. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 301–320.

Hladký, Josef. Sources. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 26–36.

Hladký, Josef. Analysis. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 49–98.

Hladký, Josef. Introduction. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 5–12.

Main corpus. In: Hladký, Josef. The Czech and the English names of mushrooms. 1996, pp. 151–300.

Trčková, Dita. Critical discourse analysis. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 14–24.

Trčková, Dita. Representations of people. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 72–87.

Trčková, Dita. Representations of the natural phenomenon. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 52–71.

Trčková, Dita. Conclusion. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 92–94.

Trčková, Dita. Cognitive theory of metaphor. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 25–30.

Trčková, Dita. Natural catastrophes. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 37–44.

Trčková, Dita. Introduction. In: Trčková, Dita. Representations of natural catastrophes in newspaper discourse. 2014, pp. 7–13.