Displaying 101 - 125 of 500
Mathews, Karen Rose.
Between two rivers and the sea : Pisa's identity as a port city in the Middle Ages. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 166–181.
Studer-Karlen, Manuela.
The guest is a gift from God. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 11.
Bacci, Michele, Foletti, Ivan.
Svaneti and the rhetoric of distance. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 12–33.
Elizbarashvili, Irine, Giviashvili, Irene.
Architecture of Upper Svaneti. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 36–[65].
Meladze, Salome.
Painted chancel screens in Upper Svaneti : the evidence from early monuments. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 66–[85].
Chichinadze, Nina.
Interaction of images in sacred space : a case study: the Church of St Barbara in Khe, Upper Svaneti. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 86–[99].
Kenia, Marine.
The image of the Virgin in the medieval painting of Svaneti. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 100–[119].
Gedevanishvili, Ekaterine.
Iprari murals : reading of the scene of the Apparition of the angel to Joshua. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 120–[139].
Studer-Karlen, Manuela.
Image and liturgy : the Church of the Archangels in Tanghili. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 140–[159].
Eastmond, Antony.
Icons, saints, and society in Svaneti. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 160–[183].
Burchuladze, Nana.
Icons from Svaneti in the context of Byzantine painting. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 184–[207].
Batiashvili, Nutsa, Aleksidze, Nikoloz.
Symbolic treasure, care, and materiality in Upper Svaneti. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 2, pp. 208–[225].
Under the protection of Clio : historical disciplines at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. In: Pod ochranou Kleió : historické obory na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity.
2019, pp. 157–160.
Frantová, Zuzana.
From seeking a function to setting artistic role. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 125–139.
Kessler, Herbert L..
Afterword. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 161–162.
Foletti, Ivan.
Preface. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 95–96.
Frantová, Zuzana.
The Five-Part Diptych as a manifestation of orthodoxy. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 140–158.
Frantová, Zuzana.
Conclusion. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 159–160.
Frantová, Zuzana.
Catalog of the narrative scenes. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně.
2014, pp. 163–183.