The significance of place in the fictions of Raymond Williams and Iain Sinclair

Title: The significance of place in the fictions of Raymond Williams and Iain Sinclair
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1998, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. [147]-158
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

[1] Branllinger, Patrick: Fictions of State, London, Routledge 1996

[2] de Certeau, Michel: The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press 1984

[3] Deleuze, Gilles: The Fold, London, Athlone Press 1993

[4] Harvey, David: From Space to Place and Back Again in Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures: Global Change, London, Routledge 1991

[5] Mumford, Lewis: The City in History, London, Penguin 1991

[6] Pinkney, Tony: Raymond Williams, Bridgend, Seren Books 1991

[7] Sinclair, Iain: White Chappell: Scarlet Tracings, London, Paladin 1988

[8] Sinclair, Iain: Downriver, London, Paladin 1991

[9] Sinclair, Iain: Radon Daughters, London, Vintage 1995

[10] Sinclair, Iain: Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge, London, Vintage 1995

[11] Williams, Raymond: Border Country, London, Hogarth Press 1988

[12] Williams, Raymond: Second Generation, London, Hogarth Press 1988(a)

[13] Williams, Raymond: The Volunteers, London, Hogarth Press 1985

[14] Williams, Raymond: The Fight for Manod, London, Hogarth Press 1988(b)

[15] Williams, Raymond: Loyalties, London, Hogarth Press 1989

[16] Williams, Raymond: People of the Black Mountains: 1 The Beginning, London, Paladin 1990

[17] Williams, Raymond: People of the Black Mountains: 2 The Eggs of the Eagle, London, Paladin 1992

[18] Williams, Raymond: Resources of Hope, London, Verso 1989(a)