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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1466

Hochmanová, Dita. Introduction. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 7–16.

Hochmanová, Dita. Joseph Andrews and the problem of decorum. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 17–33.

Hochmanová, Dita. Amelia and the limits of empathy. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 61–85.

Hochmanová, Dita. Conclusion. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 87–89.

Hochmanová, Dita. Slzy a smích Henryho Fieldinga : maskulinita a zdvořilost v Británii 18. století : resumé. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 91–93.

Hochmanová, Dita. References. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 95–99.

Hochmanová, Dita. Tom Jones and the right measure of self-interest. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 35–60.

Krátký, Dan. King of the monsters! : films with Godzilla from 1954 to 1965 : summary. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 123–124.

Krátký, Dan. Úvod. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 7–26.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus akademie. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 27–42.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus stručné dějiny japonského filmu v letech 1930-1960. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 43–52.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus vyprávěcí taktiky. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 53–77.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus populární kultura. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 79–88.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus hrdinové. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 89–97.

Krátký, Dan. Godzilla versus styl. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 99–120.

Krátký, Dan. Závěr. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 121–122.

Krátký, Dan. Bibliografie. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 125–135.

Krátký, Dan. Seznam vyobrazení. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 137–139.

Ježek, Miroslav. The rise of a standard. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 17–58.

Ježek, Miroslav. Glossary. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 243–246.

Ježek, Miroslav. Conclusion. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 215–224.

Ježek, Miroslav. RP innovations in Pronouncing Dictionaries. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 209–213.

Ježek, Miroslav. Bibliography. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 227–236.

Ježek, Miroslav. Appendix 1. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 247–249.

Ježek, Miroslav. Prescription and standardisation in linguistics. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 59–66.