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Displaying 7726 - 7750 of 8028

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a reader and critic of poetry. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 313–341.

Errata. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. .

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's conception of criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 100–126.

Bartoněk, Antonín. The Latin and Ancient Greek syntax. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Řecko-latinská syntax v evropském kontextu. 2008, pp. 193–205.

Okál, Miloslav. La Quinta atilinaria et la Responsio Catilinae dans le manuscrit de Bratislava. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, pp. 165–174.

Fialová, Anděla, Hejnic, Josef. Jan Staicze et son manuel. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, pp. 209–222.

Bouzek, Jan, Bouzková, Hana. Un bol Iliaque. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, pp. 67–70.

Beneš, Pavel. Remarques sur quelques noms propres dans la Chronique de Frédégaire. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, pp. 125–127.

Novák, Otakar. En marge de la recherche critique en France. In: Literárněvědné studie : profesoru Josefu Hrabákovi k šedesátinám. 1972, pp. 357–368.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's qualifications as a literary critic. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 15–42.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a critic of non-fiction books. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 370–413.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's dramatic and theatrical criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 342–369.

Šalamoun, Jiří. Bibliography. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, pp. 108–115.

Šalamoun, Jiří. Ishmael Reed : the opinions of the man behind the novels. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, pp. 14–23.

Šalamoun, Jiří. Definition of satire and irony : refusing to struggle with Proteus. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, pp. 30–33.

Šalamoun, Jiří. The evolution of satirical techniques in the novels of Ishmael Reed. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, pp. 34–95.

Šalamoun, Jiří. Research methodology : an interdisciplinary approach. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, pp. 24–29.

Dorovský, Ivan. Драматическое искусство южных Славян. In: Dorovský, Ivan. Dramatické umění jižních Slovanů. Část 1, 1918-1941. 1995, pp. 173.

Dorovský, Ivan. Dramatické umění jižních Slovanů : (resumé). In: Dorovský, Ivan. Dramatické umění jižních Slovanů. Část 1, 1918-1941. 1995, pp. 167.

Drábek, Pavel. Fletcher's dramatic extremism. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, pp. 111–140.

Drábek, Pavel. From source to play: Bonduca. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, pp. 95–110.

Drábek, Pavel. Modern stage conventions of realism : a defence of mimetic inconsistencies. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, pp. 27–40.

Drábek, Pavel. Plats and plays. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, pp. 61–80.

Kursakova, Jekaterina Igorevna. У истоков поэзии Эмиля Болеслава Лукача. Slavica litteraria. 2014, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 73–81.

Drábek, Pavel. To the reader. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, pp. 7–8.