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Displaying 4451 - 4475 of 6626

Kolberová, Urszula. Wyzwiska z komponentem "pies" w języku polskim. Opera Slavica. 2014, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 29–37.

Michajlova, Marina Jur'jevna. Константная идея в денотативной сфере поля невыразимого. Opera Slavica. 2018, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 5–13.

Spiš'jakova, Andrea. Рецензия на учебное пособие "Путешествуй вместе с русским языком". Opera Slavica. 2018, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 71–73.

Dobrova, Mariia. Оломоуцкая лексико-фразеологическая научная школа. Opera Slavica. 2018, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 49–60.

Iliev, Ivan G., Petkov, Petko D.. An unknown model for constructing the negative imperative in Bulgarian. Opera Slavica. 2018, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 39–44.

Zločevskaja, Alla Vladimirovna. "Камера обскура" и "Смех в темноте" : один сюжет - два разных романа. Opera Slavica. 2006, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 22–30.

Madecki, Roman, Pospíšil, Ivo. Stan i przemiany brneńskiej polonistyki (na marginesie artykułu B. Bakuły: "Polonistyka po sąsiedzku..."). Opera Slavica. 2006, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 45–49.

Stukalova, Ol'ga Vadimovna. Михаил Бахтин о "бытии в культуре" и его смысле. Opera Slavica. 2010, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 18–25.

Mikulášek, Miroslav. К пpoблeмaтикe coциaлиcтичecкoгo peaлизмa и coвeтcкoй дpaмaтypгии 30-x гoдoв. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1966, vol. 15, iss. D13, pp. 23–44.

Mikulášek, Miroslav. Пpoблeмa литepaтypнoй звoлюции [i.e. эволюции] в кoнцeпции пpaжcкoй cтpyктypaльнoй эcтeтики. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1992, vol. 41, iss. D39, pp. 17–24.

Mateiciucová, Inna. The results of the raw material, technological and typological analyses of the chipped stone industry in Moravia and Lower Austria. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 181–270.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Stone raw material used by the early farming communities of Moravia and Lower Austria and its provenance. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 44–56.

Mateiciucová, Inna. The Early Neolithic settlement of Moravia and Lower Austria against the central European background. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 37–43.

Mateiciucová, Inna. The mechanisms of stone raw material distribution in Moravia, Lower Austria and neighbouring regions. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 111–155.

Mateiciucová, Inna. List of figures [1-44]. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 273–276.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Acknowledgements. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 16.