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Mateiciucová, Inna. List of maps 1-67 (4-67 on DVD). In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. .

Mateiciucová, Inna. [Figures 9-44]. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 297–332.

Mateiciucová, Inna. The chipped stone industries of the Early Neolithic communities of Moravia and Lower Austria (see Appendix) and their comparison with the lithic industries of selected regions. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 57–110.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Theoretical basis and methodology. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 171–180.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones: the chipped stone industry in Lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 156–164.

Mateiciucová, Inna. The beginnings of the Neolithic in central Europe. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 31–36.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Conclusion. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 165–167.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Introduction. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 17–24.

Březinová, Helena. Summary : Textile manufacture in the Czech Lands in the 13th-15th centuries: understanding textile production on the basis of archaeological finds. In: Březinová, Helena. Textilní výroba v českých zemích ve 13.-15. století : poznání textilní produkce na základě archeologických nálezů. 2007, pp. 119–138.

Mateiciucová, Inna. List of graphs [1-28]. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 294.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Table 324. List of sites shown on maps 10–13. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. .

Mateiciucová, Inna. List of maps [1-67]. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 295–296.

Whittle, Alasdair. Foreword. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 5.

Mateiciucová, Inna. Preface. In: Mateiciucová, Inna. Talking stones : the chipped stone industry in lower Austria and Moravia and the beginnings of the Neolithic in Central Europe (LBK), 5700-4900 BC. 2008, pp. 14–15.

Mikulášek, Miroslav. Coвeтcкaя caтиричecкaя кoмeдия ceрeдины 20-х гoдoв : (A. Фaйкo, H. Зpдмaн, Б. Poмaшoв). Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1964, vol. 13, iss. D11, pp. 5–30.

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Dorovský, Ivan. Boздeйcтвиe нapoднo-пoэтичecкoгo твopчecтвa и pyccкoй и yкpaинcкoй литepaтypы нa пoэзию Paйкo Жинзифoвa. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1988, vol. 37, iss. D35, pp. 115–125.

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Mikulášek, Miroslav. Cмex - дeлo нe шyтoчнoe!. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. [1970]-1971, vol. 19-20, iss. D17-18, pp. 167–176.

Mandát, Jaroslav. Пиcьмa C. Гyceвa-Opeнбypгcкoгo к чeшcкoмy пepeвoдчикy. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1966, vol. 15, iss. D13, pp. 139–144.

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Molteni, Ilaria, Russo, Valeria. Inventing past narratives : Venice and the Adriatic space (13th–15th centuries). Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 4, pp. 10–12.

Molteni, Ilaria, Russo, Valeria. Framing Venetian past narratives : an epistemological introduction. Convivium. 2023, vol. 10, iss. Supplementum 4, pp. 13–46.