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Displaying 101 - 125 of 513

Sedlář, Jaroslav. Резюме. In: Sedlář, Jaroslav. Bohdan Lacina. 1980, pp. 363–373.

Murovec, Barbara. Netherlandish painters in Ljublana : a work by Peter Auvercx in the Ursuline church. In: Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka. 2009, pp. 175–[181].

Bregantová, Polana. Bibliografie Lubomíra Slavíčka 1972-2009. In: Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka. 2009, pp. 817–[847].

Kozieł, Andrzej. Two forgotten star of painting collections in Wrocław (Breslau), or, A few words about life and works of Christian Johann Bendeler (1688-1728). In: Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka. 2009, pp. 219–233.

Ciglenečki, Marjeta. A set of verdure tapestries in Ptuj cast. In: Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka. 2009, pp. 721–[735].

Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta. Flanders in the Americas : the challenge of interpretation. In: Orbis artium : k jubileu Lubomíra Slavíčka. 2009, pp. 43–[58].

Rampley, Matthew. Editorial : Counter-narratives of east central Europe. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 5–8.

Radway, Robyn, Grusiecki, Tomasz, Born, Robert, Ivanič, Suzanna, Noyes, Ruth Sargent , Pevny, Olenka. Globalizing early modern central and eastern European art : a discussion forum. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 11–47.

Minea, Cosmin. Beyond national style : the innovative thinking and designs of the architect Ion Mincu (1852–1912). Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 49–76.

Bierbauer, Virgil. Four essays on modern architecture. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 77–111.

Ankwicz-Kleehoven, Hans, Born, Wolfgang, Zimbler, Liane. Five essays on women's art and perception in interwar Austria. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 113–135.

Lexová, Petra. A colourful atlas of artistic practice. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 139–145.

Filipová, Marta. Navigating Czech art history after the Second World War. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 147–152.

Rampley, Matthew. Estonians, Germans and their heritage. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 153–158.

Gabowitsch, Mischa. Red Army monuments in Poland from creation to destruction. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 159–167.

Secklehner, Julia. Beyond the Bauhaus. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 169–174.

Drobe, Christian. Archiving performances as a dissident practice. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 175–180.

Veszprémi, Nóra. The Great Book Theft. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 181–185.

Notes on contributors. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 187–189.

Richter, Václav. Город Оломоуц эрохи раннего средневековия. In: Richter, Václav. Raněstředověká Olomouc [stavební dějiny vzniku města]. 1959, pp. 173–177.

Prameny a bibliografie. In: Pod ochranou Kleió : historické obory na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. 2019, pp. 151–154.

Under the protection of Clio : historical disciplines at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. In: Pod ochranou Kleió : historické obory na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. 2019, pp. 157–160.

Filipová, Marta. Exhibitions and the human factor. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 5–9.