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Displaying 1 - 25 of 109

Steinerová, Jela. Perspektívy rozvoja informačnej etiky v informačnej vede. ProInflow. 2023, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 35–67.

Možný, Ivo. The families of university graduates. In: Možný, Ivo. Rodina vysokoškolsky vzdělaných manželů. 1983, pp. 183–189.

Stodola, Jiří. Summary. In: Stodola, Jiří. Filosofie informace - metateoretická analýza pojmu informace a hlavních paradigmat informační vědy. 2015, pp. 176.

Literatura. In: Rabušic, Ladislav. Česká společnost stárne. 1995, pp. 173–183.

Rabušic, Ladislav. The Czech society is aging : on social and economic implications of demographic aging : summary. In: Rabušic, Ladislav. Česká společnost stárne. 1995, pp. 184–192.

Kovářová, Pavla. Information safety of primary school pupils lessons in libraries : summary. In: Kovářová, Pavla. Informační bezpečnost žáků základních škol : lekce v knihovnách. 2019, pp. 198–199.

Keller, Jan. Social action from the point of view of marxian sociology. In: Keller, Jan. Sociální jednání : z hlediska marxistické sociologie. c1988, pp. 108–110.

Sirovátka, Oldřich. Departures from enterprises. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 117–141.

Řezníček, Ivo. Local institutions of health service and social welfare. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 72–92.

Musil, Libor. Participation. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 26–52.

Reference. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 142–146.

Mareš, Petr. Legitimacy. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 53–71.

Řezníček, Ivo, Sirovátka, Oldřich. Long-term unemployment in a semi-rural county. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 93–115.

Možný, Ivo. Introduction. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 9–25.

Nerudová, Liliana. Summary. In: Nerudová, Liliana. Partnerské vztahy mládeže a jejich sociální rizika. c1987, pp. 135–140.

TIM ezin. 2011–2014

ProInflow. 2009–

Pastierová, Mirka. Ethical concerns of search technology : search engine bias. ProInflow. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 1-2, pp. 156–170.

Steinerová, Jela. Otvorená veda a informačné správanie vedcov v SR. ProInflow. 2017, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 48–73.

Béres, Judit. Bibliotherapy and creative writing for talented disadvantaged youth. ProInflow. 2015, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 4–11.

Tomorinová, Františka. Roly čitateľa v čitateľa v čitateľa v procese čítania. ProInflow. 2015, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 30–40.

Steinerová, Jela. Kvalitatívne metódy výskumov v informačnej vede. ProInflow. 2015, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 12–29.

Šír, Filip. Research on the production of Czech sound recordings to 1946 focusing on the gramophone company ESTA. ProInflow. 2014, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 38–50.