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Displaying 276 - 283 of 283

Literatura. In: Dosedlová, Jaroslava. , Burešová, Iva. , Havigerová, Jana Marie. , Jelínek, Martin. , Klimusová, Helena. , Pučelíková, Alena. , Slezáčková, Alena. , Vašina, Lubomír. Chování související se zdravím : determinanty, modely a konsekvence. 2016, pp. 187–215.

Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. Introduction. In: Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. What's wrong? : hard science and humanities – tackling the question of the absolute chronology of the Santorini eruption. 2016, pp. 13–27.

Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. Summary. In: Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. What's wrong? : hard science and humanities – tackling the question of the absolute chronology of the Santorini eruption. 2016, pp. 82–84.

Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. List of illustrations. In: Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. What's wrong? : hard science and humanities – tackling the question of the absolute chronology of the Santorini eruption. 2016, pp. 80–81.

Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. The individual disciplines. In: Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. What's wrong? : hard science and humanities – tackling the question of the absolute chronology of the Santorini eruption. 2016, pp. 28–63.

Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. References. In: Klontza-Jaklová, Věra. What's wrong? : hard science and humanities – tackling the question of the absolute chronology of the Santorini eruption. 2016, pp. 68–78.

Bárta, Stanislav. The deeds of pledge of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the church estates (1420–1437) : summary. In: Bárta, Stanislav. Zástavní listiny Zikmunda Lucemburského na církevní statky (1420–1437). 2016, pp. 139–142.

Alchazidu, Athena. Tremendism as a Spanisch cultural phenomenon : summary. In: Alchazidu, Athena. Tremendismo: el sabor amargo de la vida : tras las huellas de la estética tremendista en la narrativa española del siglo XX. 2016, pp. 211–221.