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Displaying 12351 - 12375 of 12634

Češka, Josef, Hošek, Radislav. Imagines Orbis antiqui. In: Češka, Josef. , Hošek, Radislav. Inscriptiones Pannoniae Superioris : in Slovacia Transdanubiana asservatae. 1967, pp. 113–114.

Češka, Josef, Hošek, Radislav. Tituli sepulcrales. In: Češka, Josef. , Hošek, Radislav. Inscriptiones Pannoniae Superioris : in Slovacia Transdanubiana asservatae. 1967, pp. 65–100.

Češka, Josef, Hošek, Radislav. Tituli militares. In: Češka, Josef. , Hošek, Radislav. Inscriptiones Pannoniae Superioris : in Slovacia Transdanubiana asservatae. 1967, pp. 13–22.

Vitoň, Jan. Eques polonus – hledání vzoru. Slavica litteraria. 2008, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 29–34.

Kšicová, Danuše. Rodinné archivy vydávají svá svědectví. Slavica litteraria. 2008, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 183–184.

Risch, Ernst. Conclusions. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 207–210.

Chadwick, John. The organization of the Mycenaean archives. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 11–21.

Harmatta, János. Zur Aḫḫiyawā-Frage. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 117–124.

Czechoslovakia. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 219–227.

Soviet Union. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 243–248.

Zelenková, Anna. Korešpondencia T. G. Masaryka so Slovákmi. Slavica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 124–126.

Korževa, K. P.. Крито-микенское общество в советской историографии. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 131–141.

Bulgaria. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 215–218.

Bartoněk, Antonín. Introductory note. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 157–158.

Chadwick, John. Conclusion. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 153–154.

C: Mycenaean in the dialectal world of the classical era. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 195–206.

Grinbaum, Natan Solomonovič. Крито-микенские тексты и язык древнегреческой хоровой лирики (Пиндар). In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 75–86.

Gérarde, Monique. Mycénien etiwe, aetito. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 103–104.

Kučera, Petr. Hyperlexikon jako pozvání k reflexi problémů literární vědy. Slavica litteraria. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 117–121.

Deroy, Louis. Une nouvelle interprétation des tablettes "oka" de Pylos. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 95–97.

Doria, Mario. Les graphies mycéniennes pour s + occlusive initial de mot et de syllabe. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 59–64.

Ruijgh, Cornelis Jord. À propos de a-mo-te-jo-na-de. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 99–102.

Index of Mycenaean words. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 253–257.

Bartoněk, Antonín. Greek dialectology after the decipherment of Linear B. In: Studia Mycenaea : proceedings of the Mycenaean symposium, Brno, april 1966. 1968, pp. 37–51.

Martinek, Libor. K recepci díla Macieje Kazimierze Sarbiewského v českých zemích a na Slovensku. Slavica litteraria. 2008, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 115–121.