Konec všech věcí

Title: Konec všech věcí
Variant title:
  • The end of all things
Author: Kant, Immanuel
Ševčík, Josef (Translator)
Horyna, Břetislav (Translator)
Source document: Studia philosophica. 2010, vol. 57, iss. 2, pp. 105-116
  • ISSN
    1803-7445 (print)
    2336-453X (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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A translation of Kant's work Ende aller Dinge (The End of All Things) from 1794, one of his polemical religious-philosophical works, has been published in Czech for the first time. It enables readers to meet one of the typical expressions of Kant's post-critical philosophy (besides his works on philosophy of history, anthropology and political philosophy). The work clearly shows Kant's dissatisfaction with contemporary understanding of the place of religion in society, and shows why the author got into conflict with clerical and political power of the time. The translation is introduced by a brief outline of the historical context of Kant's work, its place in the framework of the philosopher's work and its refiection among Kant's contemporaries, which resulted in an official ban imposed on Kant's works and lectures related to religion by Friedrich Wilhelm II.
Překlad práce I. Kanta "Ende aller Dinge" (Konec všech věcí) z r. 1794.