Kvantitativní analýza slabiky v českém lexikonu

Title: Kvantitativní analýza slabiky v českém lexikonu
Variant title:
  • Quantitative analysis of the syllable in the Czech lexicon
Author: Bičan, Aleš
Source document: Linguistica Brunensia. 2015, vol. 63, iss. 2, pp. 87-107
  • ISSN
    1803-7410 (print)
    2336-4440 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The paper provides a quantitative analysis of the syllable in contemporary Czech in a corpus of 146,703 syllables contained in Czech words recorded in Slovník spisovné češtiny. After discussing the general structure of the Czech syllable and constraints on its structure (in terms of the allowed number of non-vocalic phonemes within a syllable), it examines the distribution of syllabic types according to the type of syllabic nucleus and according to different parts of speech. It shows that the most common are open syllables and syllables beginning with a single consonant. In total, the most favored syllabic type is CV. These tendencies hold for all syllabic nuclei except for the diphthongal vowels, but here we assume the influence of the chosen data (no inflected forms of words are includ-ed) rather than that it would be a special characteristic of this vowel class. All parts of speech show the same preferences, and there are only minor differences between them. However, it has been found out that pronouns and uninflectable words have a less complex syllabic structure than the other parts of speech. A partial comparison with other samples of the Czech vocabulary is offered, too.
Příspěvek vznikl za podpory grantu 13-15361P Problémy ve fonologii slova v češtině (GAČR).
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