Some observations on Greek popular worship and the traditional religiosity of the Greek people

Title: Some observations on Greek popular worship and the traditional religiosity of the Greek people
Source document: Neograeca Bohemica. 2018, vol. 18, iss. [1], pp. [35]-51
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Man's relationship to the beyond and the supernatural as well as the systematisation of humanity's corresponding pursuit of it in religions and the elaboration of organised rituals for expressing these convictions and worshiping the divine are realities lost in the beginnings of human presence on earth. Indeed, the specialisation of these perceptions and rituals and the concomitant appearance and shaping of the particular order of the priesthood led to a delineation between official and folk worship, the first being studied by the discipline of theology and the second by folklore studies, specifically the branch of "religious folklore". For these reasons, the relevant literature is constantly expanding and corresponding folklore studies are presently flourishing. This will continue as people never stop creating culturally and adopting new viewpoints and holding events where these forms correspond to relevant psychological needs. Because of this, "religious folklore" constitutes a constantly developing branch of folklore studies with great prospects for the future and space for many young academics to carry out research. Some aspects of the main forms of Greek popular religiosity will be examined in this paper.
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