Письмо до востребования, требования трудящихся и непотребные женщины (об эволюции значений некоторых слов с корнем треб-/*terb- в русском языке)

Title: Письмо до востребования, требования трудящихся и непотребные женщины (об эволюции значений некоторых слов с корнем треб-/*terb- в русском языке)
Transliterated title
Pis'mo do vostrebovanija, trebovanija trudjashhihsja i nepotrebnye zhenshhiny (ob jevoljucii znachenij nekotoryh slov s kornem treb-/*terb- v russkom jazyke)
Variant title:
  • A letter of demand, the demands of the workers and the indecent women (to evolution of the meaning of Russian lexemes with the morphological root треб-/*terb- 'demanded, claimed')
Author: Fedosov, Oleg
Source document: Новая русистика. 2017, vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 39-50
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The report is devoted to the corpus-based (the Russian National Corpora) study of Russian lexemes with the morphological root треб-/*terb- as востребован 'demanded, claimed' and another. In modern Russian, however, the original meaning of keyword was extended to acquire the wider meaning (for example: demanded profession). In our study we would like to demonstrate what processes go on during its actualization in idiomaticity in the case of collocations. Collocations that include this keyword are a special phraseme type with a low level of idiomacity. The comprehensive research shows, that it's necessary to study how the hidden component of the meaning takes place in the "naive mind".
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