Present-day (w), its form and functions in present-day English

Title: Present-day (w), its form and functions in present-day English
Author: Vachek, Josef
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1993, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. [11]-15
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

[1] Braune, W. (1911). Althochdeutsche Grammatik, 4th ed. (Halle: Niemeyer).

[2] Filipec, J. (1978). Slovnik spisovné češtiny pro školu a veřejnost [A dictionary of standard Czech for school and publicity] (Prague: Academia).

[3] Frinta, A. (1909. Novočeská výslovnost [Modern Czech pronunciation] (Prague: Česká akademie věd a umění).

[4] Grand Larousse Encyclopédique, vol. 10. Item "W" (Paris).

[5] Longman dictionary of contemporary English (1978). (Harlow and London: Longman).

[6] Mossé, F. (1945). Manuelde l'anglais du moyen âge, I. Vieil anglais (Paris: Aulrier).

[7] Mossé, F. (1949). Manuel de l'anglais du moyen âge, II. Moyen anglais (Paris: Auhler).

[8] Schauffler, Th. (1912). Althochdeutsche Literatur (Leipzig: Göschen).

[9] Vachek, J. (1975). Selected writings in English and general linguistics, esp. pp. 204-33 (Prague: Academia, and The Hague: Mouton).

[10] Vachek, J. (1990). 'The graphemes <y> and <h> in English and Czech', Brno studies in English 18.11-21.

[11] Wright, J. and E. M. (1923). An elementary Middle English grammar (Oxford Univ. Presss).

[12] Wright, J. and E. M. (1924). An elementary historical New English grammar (Oxford Univ. Press).