Sur le classement du śleṣālaṅkāra en śabdaśleṣa et arthaśleṣa par Udbhaṭa, Mammaṭa et Ruyyaka

Title: Sur le classement du śleṣālaṅkāra en śabdaśleṣa et arthaśleṣa par Udbhaṭa, Mammaṭa et Ruyyaka
Source document: Études romanes de Brno. 2014, vol. 35, iss. 2, pp. [99]-117
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Rājacūḍāmaṇi Dīkṣita, in his Kāvyadarpaṇa, works out three issues which had been called to mind by Mammaṭa in his Kāvyaprakāśa, about classifying the śleśālaṃkāra into śabdaśleṣa "śleṣa of word" and arthaśleṣa "śleṣa of meaning", its relation with another figure of speech (in the same poem) and its being categorized by a few critics as an arthālaṃkāra (figure of meaning). These important issues are well known (see, among others, S.K. De, History of Sanskrit Poetics, 2nd revised edition, Calcutta 1988, p. xxx), but an attempt to expound them the most simply, from the texts themselves, does not look useless (at least for the non-specialists). In this essay, we are going to deal with the first and the last of these issues only, from the primary sources, which are, chronologically displayed: the Kāvyālaṃkārasaṃgraha (KAS) of Udbhaṭa (end of 8th– beginning of 9th centuries AD), the Commentary on the latter, the Laghuvṛtti by Pratīhārendurāja (end of 9th – beginning of 10th centuries AD), the Kāvyaprakāśa (KP) of Mammaṭa (middle of 11th – 1st quarter of 12th centuries AD) and the Alaṃkārasarvasva (AS) of Ruyyaka (2nd – 3rd quarters of 12th century AD). After we have briefly reminded the background which is needed in order to understand these definitions, we will attempt to expound their main aspects, providing examples to support our argument, and thus to draw attention to the discrepancies between Mammaṭa's and Udbhaṭa or Ruyyaka's view, and the grounds they are based on.
[1] ALAṂKĀRASARVASVA de Ruyyaka, avec le commentaire SAÑJĪVANĪ de Vidyācakravartin, Texte et étude par Kumari S.S. Janaki. Delhi : Meharchand Lachhmandas. 1965.

[2] ALAṂKĀRASARVASVA de Ruyyaka, avec le commentaire VIMARŚINĪ de Jayaratha. Édité par le Dr. Rewā Prasāda Dwivedī. The Kashi Sanskrit Series 206. Varanasi : Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. 1979.

[3] UDDYOTA de Nāgeśa, commentaire du KĀVYAPRADĪPA de Govinda Ṭhakkura. In Nā-gojībhaṭṭaviracitoddyotayutagovindaṭhakkuraviracitapradīpasametaḥ śrīmammaṭabhaṭṭavi-racitaḥ kāvyaprakāśaḥ. Édité par Vāsudevaśāstrī Abhyaṃkara. vidyābhavana prācyavidyā granthamālā 59. vārāṇasī : caukhambā vidyābhavana. 1994.

[4] KĀVYADARPAṆA de Rājacūḍāmaṇī Dīkṣita. Édité par Śrīnivāsabhaṭṭanāthācāryulu. Vol. III. Vizagapatam: Arsha Press. 1886.

[5] KĀVYAPRAKĀŚA de Mammaṭa, avec le commentaire BĀLABODHINĪ de Vamanacharya Ramabhatta Jhalakikar. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute: 1983.

[6] KĀVYAPRADĪPA de Govinda Ṭhakkura, avec le commentaire [ṭīkā] de Vaidyanātha Tatsat. Édité par le Paṇḍit Durgāprasāda et Wāsudev Laxmaṇ Śāstrī Paṇśīkar. The Kashi Sanskrit Series 224. Varanasi : Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. 1982 [Réimpression de l'édition Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay 1912.]

[7] KĀVYĀLAṄKĀRASĀRASAṄGRAHA d'Udbhaṭa, avec le commentaire LAGHUVṚTTI de Pratihārendurāja. Édité par Narayana Daso Banhatti. Poone : Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 1982.

[8] LAGHUVṚTTI de Pratihārendurāja. Voir KĀVYĀLAṄKĀRASĀRASAṄGRAHA d'Udbhaṭa.

[9] Vaidyanātha Tatsat. Voir KĀVYAPRADĪPA de Govinda Ṭhakkura.

[10] VIMARŚINĪ de Jayaratha. Voir ALAṂKĀRASARVASVA de Ruyyaka.

[11] SAÑJĪVANĪ de Vidyācakravartin. Voir ALAṂKĀRASARVASVA de Ruyyaka.

[12] SĀRABODHINĪ de Śrīvatsalāñchana. In ācāryamammaṭaviracitaḥ kāvyaprakāśaḥ bālacittā-nurañjanī-sārabodhinī-darpaṇākhyaṭīkātrayasaṃvalitaḥ. Édité par le Dr. Goparāju Rāmā et le Dr. Jagannāthapāṭhaka. Prayāgaḥ : Gaṅgānāthajhākendrīya-saṃskṛtavidyāpīṭham. 1976.

[13] DE, Sushil Kumar. History of Sanskrit Poetics. In two volumes. 2e édition révisée Calcutta: Firma K L M Pvt. Ltd., 1988.

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[15] GARGE, Damodar Vishnu. Citations in Śabara-bhāṣya (A Study). Deccan College Dissertation Series 8. Poona : Deccan College, 1952.

[16] PICOCHE, Jacqueline. Précis de lexicologie française. Paris : Nathan, 1992.

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