Islámský stát a popravy stětím: diskurzivní analýza vybraných částí časopisu Dabiq

Title: Islámský stát a popravy stětím: diskurzivní analýza vybraných částí časopisu Dabiq
Variant title:
  • The Islamic State's beheadings: discourse analysis of selected parts of the magazine Dabiq
Source document: Sacra. 2016, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 7-27
  • ISSN
    1214-5351 (print)
    2336-4483 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The Islamic State has struck the world with its brutal and shameless displays of violence, extensively disseminated through various media. This study, focusing on the Islamic State's propaganda of beheading videos, utilises a discourse analysis of the magazine Dabiq to identify additional themes and strategies not apparent from the beheading videos alone. It provides interpretations and explanations of how and why the themes of airstrikes, family, and Western arrogance are used to justify the Islamic State's behavior and accuse its enemies of being the real villain. The study also reflects on theoretical assumptions of the "irrationality" of religious intergroup violence, propaganda, limitations of diverse media formats, the question of authenticity of Islamic State's religiosity, and its position in modern, globalized world, in order to provide a constructive perspective on few "paradoxes" of violent fundamentalism.
Text vznikl jako součást projektu specifického výzkumu MUNI/A/0931/2015 - "Teoretické a metodologické výzvy religionistiky" (TEMEVYR), řešeného Ústavem religionistiky na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v roce 2016.
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