Title: [The writing of history: literary form and historical understanding ; Fanger, Donald. Gogol and his reader]
Source document: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. D, Řada literárněvědná. 1983, vol. 32, iss. D30, pp. [105]-106
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/107932
Type: Review
License: Not specified license
Reviewed work
Canary, Robert H.; Kozicki, Henry, ed. The writing of history: literary form and historical understanding. 1. Print. Madison: The Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1978. 15, 165 s.
Fanger, Donald. Gogol and His Reader. In: Literature and Society in Imperial Russia 1800-1914. Stanford: University Press, 1978.
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