Specifika odbytu mléčných produktů v Západních Karpatech

Title: Specifika odbytu mléčných produktů v Západních Karpatech
Variant title:
  • Specifics of sales of the West Carpathian farmsteads - milk products
Source document: Válka, Miroslav. Agrární kultura : o tradičních formách zemědělského hospodaření a života na vesnici. 1. vyd. Brno: Ústav evropské etnologie Masarykovy univerzity, 2007, pp. 63-79
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The medieval development of towns connected with increase of number of their inhabitants contributed to the significant increase of food and agricultural product demand. The medieval and modern age economical system managed to satisfy those consuming demands by the various forms of the business transactions. Markets (daily, weekly, annual, animal) became an important part of transfer of foodstuffs from the countryside producer background to the town consumers. A small buy-out of some products and livestock by the peddlers constituted a supplementary source of sales. Many of them were Jews, in Moravia the businesswomen from Líšeň were renowned. In the regions oriented to the cattle breeding, the milk products became an important business article. It also concerns East Moravia, Silesia and West Galicia, where the lowland and foothill way of the cattle breeding blended together with the montain way of the cattle breeding imported by the so-called Wallachian colonization. Thanks of the sufficient overproduction, the following items became an object of trade: cheese, cottage cheese and butter. An important source of income became especially the sale of butter. The butter was melted and transported to the big cities (Olomouc, Brno, Krakov, Vienna, Pest) in the crates. As recently as in the 17th and 18th century, the butter trade was partly limited by the authorities. The butter trade was organized by the carters and the village vendors. In the ideas of some enlighten-ers, the milk products were an ideal article for the long-distance trade. The milk products from the mountain farmsteads were specifically utilized in the Rožnov or Bystřice pod Hostýnem spas. The economic changes in the second half of the 19th century brought into the countryside new agricultural technological procedures. The possibilities of sale had been also changed. The faster transport was enabled by the railway. The sale was newly provided by the farmer cooperatives.
  • Studie je výstupem grantového projektu GA ČR č. 404/06/P125 Tradiční formy venkovského obchodu na Moravě a ve Slezsku v 18. a 19. století.