Stred Márie Bátorové a realistická a románová tradice

Title: Stred Márie Bátorové a realistická a románová tradice
Variant title:
  • Mária Bátorová's Stred (The centre) and the tradition of realism and the novel
Author: Pospíšil, Ivo
Source document: Slavica litteraria. 2011, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. [59]-73
  • ISSN
    1212-1509 (print)
    2336-4491 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Studie analyzuje román Márie Bátorové Stred, jenž se zabývá problémy moderní slovenské bratislavské inteligence, společenské a národní elity na historické křižovatce, v reminiscencích jde však zpět k minulým událostem a konfrontuje různé modely života v podobě tradičního realistického románu čerchované stavby.
The present article deals with the new novel by Mária Bátorová Stred (The Centre) focusing on the life of contemporary Bratislava intelligentsia, the social elite reflecting upon the fate of its country, the fatal historical events and the moral state of homeland. The novel belongs to the type of the traditional socio-psychological novel containing political debates like the 19th-century Turgenevian novel model with the dot-and-dash structure. The author discusses some problematic aspects of the novel both thematic and structural, e. g. some kind of naivity and sentiment, emotionality, the depiction of the relations between the intellectual elite and common people, the picture of the Czech lands in contrast with Slovakia, some lack of sharper social criticism; the author of the present study also mentions its "roman à clef" structure and its feminine aspect. Its topical subject and the controversial articulation together with the tradional composition going back to the depth of the 19th-century literary art and the slight modernist touch makes the novel a striking event in current Slovak literature as well as in the history of Slovak novel in general.
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