Nemo contra Deum nisi Deus ipse : Wer darf Blumenberg infrage stellen außer Blumenberg selbst?

Title: Nemo contra Deum nisi Deus ipse : Wer darf Blumenberg infrage stellen außer Blumenberg selbst?
Variant title:
  • Nemo contra Deum nisi Deus ipse : Who can question Blumenberg except for Blumenberg himself
Source document: Pro-Fil. 2020, vol. 21, iss. Special issue, pp. 38-45
  • ISSN
    1212-9097 (online)
Type: Article

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The paper "Who Can Question Blumenberg Except for Blumenberg Himself" brings forward the question of which factors and features of the philosophy of this German thinker of the second half of the 20th century make it the case that he has moved away from academic mainstream and given philosophy back the typical characteristics of German philosophical tradition: erudition, cultivated character, adequacy, good taste in the selection of vital problems and their solutions, and, above all, critical thinking, which, on the journey between the peaks of Kant and Blumenberg himself, frequently waned, disappeared in dark gorges of being and time and vanished in polished aesthetics of the hermeneutics of God's intentions. The study focuses on Blumenberg's concept of actio per distans, which, combined with the theory of absolute metaphor and cognitive metaphor, gives rise to his historical phenomenology and politically, economically and phenomenologically oriented anthropology. At the end, the author mentions the problem of 'metametaphorics', which is newly developed as a project based on a deep misunderstanding of Blumenberg's metaphorology: the paper presents several arguments proving a discrepancy between metaphorology and metametaphorics, derived primarily from Blumenberg's theory of (the constant cultural reproduction of) myth.
This article is part of VEGA project 1/0291/18 Historic-philosophical analysis of environmental thinking, research on its influences on ethical, legal and political thinking and its social response.
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