Title: Ideál kynika v Diónových Rečiach
Variant title:
- Ideal Cynic in Orations of Dio Chrysostom
Source document: Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 16-27
ISSN1212-9097 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/pf22-1-20926
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.76778
Type: Article
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Článok sa zaoberá tým, ako Dión z Prúsy pracuje s figúrou Diogena, respektíve ako prispôsobuje diogenovský kynizmus sociálnej a politickej realite svojej doby. Prvá časť načrtáva okolnosti, ktoré doviedli Dióna k rozhodnutiu, aby si obliekol kynický plášť. Ďalšia časť sa zaoberá tým, ako Dión vytvoril z Diogena príklad filosofického konania. Diónovo chápanie kynizmu sa prejavuje v jeho reinterpretácii príbehu o Diogenovi a Alexandrovi. Nakoniec sa článok zamýšľa nad otázkou, aké črty zdôrazňuje Dión vo svojom portréte Diogena a akú úlohu prisudzuje kynizmu v období cisárskeho Ríma.
The paper deals with Dio's portrayal of Diogenes as a Cynic who challenges the conventional meaning of the good life. The author wonders whether Dio of Prusa mechanically takes over Diogenes' attitudes or adapts them to the social and political reality of his time. The first part of the paper describes the circumstances that led Dio to become a Cynic. The second part of the paper deals with the possible differences between early Diogenic and later Dionian forms of Cynicism. The third part of the paper analyses various ancient versions of the story of Diogenes' meeting with Alexander, which could lead us to a better understanding of Dio's version. The purpose of the article is to clarify the nature of Dionian Cynicism.
Tento text je súčasťou riešenia projektu Vega 1/0537/21, Umenie života v kontexte filozofickej praxe.
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[24] Pavlík, J. (2004): Dión Chrýsostomos o výtvarném umění, náboženství a filosofii: Řeč olympijská. Prekl. J. Pavlík. Praha: Karolinum.
[25] Pizzagalli, A. M. (1942–1943): Influssi buddhistici nella leggenda di Alessandro. Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, 76, 154–160.
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[28] Steiner, G. (1976): "Diogenes' Mouse and the Royal Dog: Conformity in Non-Conformity." The Classical Journal, 72, 36–46.
[29] Thiele, G. (1906): Phaedrus-Studien I.–II.–III. Hermes, XLI, 562–592.
[30] Weber, E. (1887): De Dione Chrysostomo Cynicorum sectatore. In: Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie, X, 77–268.
[31] Zeller, E. (1922): Die Philosophie der Griechen. Zv. II., 1. časť: Sokrates und die Sokratiker. 5. vyd. Leipzig: Reisland.
[2] Arnim, Hans von (1893–1896): Dionis Prusaensis quem vocant Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia. Berlin: Weidmann.
[3] Brenk, F. E. (2000): Dio on the simple and self-sufficient life. In: Swain, S. (ed.): Dio Chrysostom: Politics, Letters, and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 261–278.
[4] Bruns, I. (1905): Vorträge und Aufsätze, München: C. H. Beck.
[5] Cepko, J. (2017): Kratétova kynická utópia. Filozofia, 72 (2), 92–102.
[6] Cepko, J. – Kalaš, A. – Suvák, V. (2016): Diogenis fragmenta / Diogenove zlomky. Úvodná štúdia, preklad zlomkov a komentár. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského.
[7] Desideri, P. (1978): Dione di Prusa: Un intelletuale greco nell'impero romano. Firenze – Messina: G. D'Anna.
[8] Fritz, K. von (1926): Quellenuntersuchungen zu Leben und Philosophie des Diogenes von Sinope. In: Philologus. Suppl. 18/2, Leipzig 1926, 1–97.
[9] Giannantoni, G. (1990): Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae. 4 zv. Napoli: Bibliopolis.
[10] Goulet-Cazé, M.-O. (1986): L'Ascèse Cynique: Un commentaire de Diogene Laërce VI 70–71. Paris: Vrin.
[11] Griffin, M. T. (1982): The Lyons Tablet and Tacitean Hindsight. The Classical Quarterly, 32 (2), 404–418.
[12] Hadot, P. (1981): Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes.
[13] Hoffmann, W. (1907): Das literarische Porträt Alexanders des Grossen im griechischen und römischen Altertum Diss. Leipzig.
[14] Höistad, R. (1948): Cynic Hero and Cynic King: Studies in the Cynic Conception of Man. Lund: Carl Bloms Boktryckeri.
[15] Husson, S. (2015): La République de Diogène. Une cite en quête de la nature. Histoire des doctrines de l'antiquité classique, vol. 40. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.
[16] Kalaš, A. – Suvák, V. (2021): Dionis de Diogene orationes / Diónove reči o Diogenovi. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Komenského.
[17] Kindstrand, J. F. (1986): Diogenes Laertius and the 'Chreia' Tradition. Elenchos, VII (1–2), 217–243.
[18] Leo, F. (1906): Diogenes bei Plautus. Hermes, XLI, 441–446.
[19] Long, A. A. (1996): The Socratic tradition: Diogenes, Crates, and Hellenistic Ethics. In: R. Bracht Branham – M.-O. Goulet-Cazé (eds.): The Cynics: The Cynic Movement in Antiquity and its Legacy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 28–46.
[20] Malingrey, A. M. (1961): 'Philosophia': étude d'un groupe de mots dans la littérature grecque des Présocratiques au IVe siècle aprés J.-C. Paris: Klincksieck.
[21] Moles, J. L. (1978) The career and conversion of Dio Chrysostom. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 98, 79–100.
[22] Moles, J. L. (1995): Dio Chrysostom, Greece, and Rome. In: D. Innes et al. (eds.): Ethics and Rhetoric. Classical Essays for Donald Russell on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 177–192.
[23] Natorp, P. (1903): Diogenes von Sinope. In: A. F. Pauly – G. Wissowa (eds.): Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Neue Bearbeitung. Zv. V. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler & Druckenmüller, 765–773.
[24] Pavlík, J. (2004): Dión Chrýsostomos o výtvarném umění, náboženství a filosofii: Řeč olympijská. Prekl. J. Pavlík. Praha: Karolinum.
[25] Pizzagalli, A. M. (1942–1943): Influssi buddhistici nella leggenda di Alessandro. Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, 76, 154–160.
[26] Rostovtzeff, M. (1957): The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. 2 zv. Oxford: Clarendon.
[27] Schwartz, E. (1943): Charakterköpfe aus der Antike. Band II. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang.
[28] Steiner, G. (1976): "Diogenes' Mouse and the Royal Dog: Conformity in Non-Conformity." The Classical Journal, 72, 36–46.
[29] Thiele, G. (1906): Phaedrus-Studien I.–II.–III. Hermes, XLI, 562–592.
[30] Weber, E. (1887): De Dione Chrysostomo Cynicorum sectatore. In: Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie, X, 77–268.
[31] Zeller, E. (1922): Die Philosophie der Griechen. Zv. II., 1. časť: Sokrates und die Sokratiker. 5. vyd. Leipzig: Reisland.