Русистика и война с Россией : синдром Карре

Title: Русистика и война с Россией : синдром Карре
Transliterated title
Rusistika i vojna s Rossijej : sindrom Karre
Variant title:
  • The Russian studies and the war аgainst Russia : Carré syndrome
Source document: Новая русистика. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 59-69
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Les Écrivains français et le mirage allemand. 1800–1940 (1947) by Jean-Marie Carré was not just an emotional reaction of the French Germanist and Comparativist to the World War II, but a critical study of "the German Idea" in the context of 19th cent. cultural heritage beginning from De lʼAllemagne (1810–1813) by m-me de Staёl. The proposed article adresses "the Russian Idea" on the basis of Carré's methodology. While Dostoyevsky's links to "the Russian Idea" are generally acknowledged in cultural historiography, detailed studies remain scarce. Especially enigmatic is the importance of beeing Russian in Dostoyevsky's interpretation. In this respect Gogol's Selected Passages from Correspondens with friends (1847) worth a closer look as a possible source and marquis de Custin's La Russie en 1839 (1843) as a real origine of le mirage russe.
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