Title: Celebration of a military doctor : an unknown poem by Johannes Gregor Macer Szepsius (ca. 1530 – after 1579)
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 2, pp. 137-144
ISSN1803-7402 (print)2336-4424 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/GLB2022-2-9
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77374
Type: Article
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 International
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Johannes Gregor Macer Szepsius (ca. 1530 – after 1579) wrote an epigram in praise of his friend Anton Schneeberger (1530–1581) and a celebratory poem on his genealogy, both appearing in Schneeberger's most famous book, De bona militum valetudine conservanda [On the Good Health of Soldiers] in 1564. However, the poem praising Schneeberger's ancestry appears only in the printed version of the book; a surviving manuscript copy of the work in the Palace Library in Ansbach, Germany, features a paean in celebration of the military doctor instead. From a literary perspective, the poem does not surpass the standard level of occasional poetry of this period. Since it is a celebratory poem, the high regard for the doctor is expressed there and this stance contradicts the criticism of the status of the medical profession found in Macer's other works.
This study is based on the paper Šimon, F.: Neznáme diela humanistu Jána Gregora Macera Szepsia, which was originally published in Sambucus, XIII (2018d). The completion of the study was funded by the grant of the Slovak scientific grant agency VEGA 1/0255/22. Medicus poeta. Novolatinská literatúra lekárskych autorov spätých so Slovenskom [Neo-Latin literature of medical authors connected with Slovakia].
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[25] Šimon, F. (2018b). Satira na povolania v diele J. G. Macra Szepsia De vera gloria libellus. In Ľ. Buzássyová, E. Juríková, & J. Grusková (Eds.), Ideológia v premenách času v pamiatkach gréckej a latinskej tradície (pp. 254–262). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.
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[30] Sucharski, R. A. (2011). Antoni Schneeberger i Jan Grzegorz Macer – dwaj przyjaciele w szesnastowiecznym Krakowie. In Ľ. Buzássyová, E. Juríková, & N. Sipekiová (Eds.), Decus Sapientiae Sambucus Supplementum (Vol. III; pp. 190–198). Trnava: Spolok Slovákov v Poľsku, FF TU v Trnave.
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[2] Czwittinger, D. (1711). Specimen Hungariae literatae. Francofurti et Lipsiae: Typis Jod. Guil. Kohlesii.
[3] Estreicher, K. (1908). Bibliografia polska (Tom XXII). Kraków: Universytet Jagielloński.
[4] Gessner, C. (1587). Historiae animalium liber V. Tigurini: In officina Froschoviana.
[5] Hryniewiecki, B. (1938). Anton Schneeberger (1530–1581): ein Schüler Konrad Gesners in Polen. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
[6] Ijsewijn, J. (1998). Companion to Neo-Latin studies (Vol. II). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
[7] Internetowy Polski słownik biograficzny, Filmoteka Narodowa – Instytut Audiowizualny [available online at https://www.ipsb.nina.gov.pl/Home; accessed 12.03.2022].
[8] Juszyński, H. (1820). Dykcyonarz poetow polskich. Krakow: J. Matiecki.
[9] Kośmiński, S. (1883). Słownik lekarzów polskich. Warszawa: Nakladem autora.
[10] Kowalska, H. (1985). Jan Antonin of Košice. In P. G. Bietenholz et al. (Eds.), Contemporaries of Erasmus. A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation (Vol. 1–3; pp. 63–64). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
[11] Kuzmík, J. (1976). Slovník autorov slovenských a so slovenskými vzťahmi za humanizmu (Vol. 1). Martin: Matica slovenská.
[12] Macer Szepsius, J. G. (1556). Cunae seu in Nativitatem Dominicam Ode. Cracoviae: Lazarus Andreae.
[13] Macer Szepsius, J. G. (1562a). Panegyricum carmen in licentiatos magisterii. Cracoviae: s. t.
[14] Macer Szepsius, J. G. (1562b). De vera gloria libellus. Cracoviae: Lazarus Andreae.
[15] Matthäus, K. (Ed.). (2017). Almanach nicht allein den Gelehrten, sondern auch den Kaufleuten nützlich für die Jahre 1544 und 1545 in Kulmbach verfaßt von Georg Seyfridt. Jena: Verlag HKD.
[16] Paracelsus, Ph. Th. (1569). Archidoxae libri X (transl. A. Schröter). Cracoviae: Officina typographica Mathiae Wirzbietae.
[17] Prinke, R. T. (2012). Antemurale Alchimiae: Patrons, Readers, and Practitioners of Alchemy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Early Science and Medicine, 17, 523–547.
[18] Quetif, J. E. J. (1721). Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum recensiti. Lutetiae Parisiorum: J-B. Ch. Ballard & N. Simart.
[19] Rutherford, I. (2001). Pindar's Paeans. A Reading of the Fragments with a Survey of the Genre. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[20] Schmolinsky, S., & Keller, K. H. (2001). Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Staatlichen Bibliothek (Schlossbibliothek) Ansbach (Band II). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
[21] Schneeberger, A. (1564). De bona militum valetudine conservanda liber. Cracoviae: Lazarus Andreae.
[22] Schneeberger, A. (2008). De bona militum valetudine conservanda liber. Księga o zachowaniu dobrego zdrowia żołnierzy (transl. by Robert A. Sucharski). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG.
[23] Schneeberger, A. De bona militum valetudine conservanda liber. Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach. Ms. lat. 165.
[24] Šimon, F. (2018a). Úvod J. Gregora Macera Szepsia k Paracelsovmu dielu Archidoxae (1569) – Introduction to Paracelsus' Archidoxae (1569) by J. Gregor Macer Szepsius. Kultúrne dejiny / Cultural history, 9(1), 67–81.
[25] Šimon, F. (2018b). Satira na povolania v diele J. G. Macra Szepsia De vera gloria libellus. In Ľ. Buzássyová, E. Juríková, & J. Grusková (Eds.), Ideológia v premenách času v pamiatkach gréckej a latinskej tradície (pp. 254–262). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.
[26] Šimon, F. (2018c). Zwei Empfehlungsgedichte von Johannes Gregor Macer Szepsius (ca 1530 – nach 1579). Graeco-Latina Brunensia, 23(2), 163–170.
[27] Šimon, F. (2018d). Neznáme diela humanistu Jána Gregora Macera Szepsia. Sambucus, XIII, 54–63.
[28] Šimon, F. (2019). Conrad Gessner und Johannes Gregor Macer Szepsius. In U. B. Leu, & P. Opitz (Eds.), Conrad Gessner (1516–1565): Die Renaissance der Wissenschaften / The Renaissance of Learning (pp. 427–430). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
[29] Šimon, F., & Magyar, L. A. (2016). Johannes Gregorius Macer Szepsius (1530–1579 után) kritikája az orvosokról. Orvosi Hetilap, 157(6), 230–232.
[30] Sucharski, R. A. (2011). Antoni Schneeberger i Jan Grzegorz Macer – dwaj przyjaciele w szesnastowiecznym Krakowie. In Ľ. Buzássyová, E. Juríková, & N. Sipekiová (Eds.), Decus Sapientiae Sambucus Supplementum (Vol. III; pp. 190–198). Trnava: Spolok Slovákov v Poľsku, FF TU v Trnave.
[31] Szabó, K., & Hellebrant, Á. (1896). Régi Magyar könyvtár (Vol. III/1). Budapest: M. Tud. Akadémia.
[32] Tecenensis, G. (1613/1659). Lilium de spinis evulsum. In Theatrum chemicum (Vol. 4). Argentorati: Lazar Zetzner.
[33] Thorndike, L. (1958). History of Magic and Experimental Science (Part 4). London: Oxford University Press.
[34] Wisłocki, W. (1886). Liber diligentiarum facultatis artisticae Universitatis Cracoviensis, I: (1487–1563). Cracoviae: Sumptibus Academiae litterarum.