Title: [Conte, Christian. Walking through anger: a new design for confronting conflict in an emotionally charged world]
Source document: Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 30-31
ISSN1212-9097 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/pf22-2-33001
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77632
Type: Review
License: Not specified license
Reviewed work
Conte, Christian. Walking through anger: a new design for confronting conflict in an emotionally charged world. Boulder: Sounds True, 2019. 232 p. ISBN 978-1-68364-258-9.
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
[1] Conte, Ch. (2019): Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World, Boulder: Sounds True.
[2] Halperin, E. (2015): Emotions in Conflict: Inhibitors and Facilitators of Peace Making, New York: Routledge.
[2] Halperin, E. (2015): Emotions in Conflict: Inhibitors and Facilitators of Peace Making, New York: Routledge.