Rovni před Bohem: evangelikální barvoslepost a neoliberální governmentalita

Title: Rovni před Bohem: evangelikální barvoslepost a neoliberální governmentalita
Variant title:
  • Equal before God: evangelical colorblindness and neoliberal governmentality
Author: Hodes, Aleš
Source document: Sacra. 2023, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 8-23
  • ISSN
    1214-5351 (print)
    2336-4483 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The essay is concerned with the examination of white evangelical discourse surrounding the institutional application of findings emerging from the comprehensive academic project of Critical Race Theory. The outrage and resentment that was unleashed, especially toward a thesis about systemic racism seeping through different layers of society and its administrative settings resulting in a socioeconomic disadvantage of ethnic minorities, is conceived from a Foucauldian perspective of religiously legitimated and disciplined, neoliberal governmentality. This presented argument supported by public statements of the Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical activists, proposes evangelical individualistic theology and morality, in addition to disciplinary techniques of "responsibilization" as the underlining habitual reasons behind anti-structuralist attitudes of evangelical Christians toward racism.
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