Romani music in Czech film after 1989, specifically between 1993 and 2017

Title: Romani music in Czech film after 1989, specifically between 1993 and 2017
Source document: Musicologica Brunensia. 2023, vol. 58, iss. 2, pp. 129-142
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Article
Rights access
open access

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The study focuses on the detection, analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon of the use of Romani music in twenty-one or, more precisely, twenty Czech films made after 1989. Many of these films have been distributed abroad and presented at foreign film festivals. The research is grounded in a broader contextual characterisation of the emancipation of Romaniness and its concrete manifestations in science and culture in the Czech Republic in the period under study.
[1] Nahota na prodej (Nudity for Sale) [film]. Directed by Vít OLMER. Czech Republic: Heureka Production, 1993. Runtime 102 min. Music by Ondřej SOUKUP.

[2] Marian (Marian) [film]. Directed by Petr VÁCLAV, Czech Republic/France: Bontonfilm, 1993. Runtime 109 min. Music used from a music bank.

[3] Zpráva o putování studentů Petra a Jakuba (The Pilgrimage of Students Peter and Jacob) [film]. Directed by Drahomíra VIHANOVÁ, Czech Republic/Slovakia/France: Bontonfilm, 2000. Runtime 95 min. Music by Emil VIKLICKÝ, Ida KELAROVÁ.

[4] Náraz (Trainwreck) [student film]. Directed by Michal SEDLÁČEK, Czech Republic/USA: Bontonfilm, 2001. Runtime 17 min. Music by Béla BARTÓK.

[5] Černý slzy (Black Tears) [TV film]. Directed by Milan CIESLAR, Czech Republic, 2002. Runtime 90 min. Music by Jan ČERNÝ.

[6] Smradi (The Brats) [film]. Directed by Zdeněk TYC, Czech Republic: Artcam, 2002. Runtime 93 min. Music by JABLKOŇ.

[7] Indián a sestřička – O indianos the e pheňori (The Indian and the Nurse) [film]. Directed by Dan WLODARCZYK, Czech Republic: Bontonfilm, 2006. Runtime 91 min. Music by Dušan NEUWERTH, Jiří HRADIL.

[8] Roming (ROMing) [film]. Directed by Jiří VEJDĚLEK, Czech Republic/Romania/Slovakia: FALCON a. s., 2007. Runtime 105, alternatively 109 min. Music by Vojtěch LAVIČKA.

[9] Cinka Panna (Cinka Panna) [film]. Directed by Dušan RAPOŠ, Slovakia/Hungary/Czech Republic: Bontonfilm, 2008. Runtime 122 min. Music by Arpád KÁKONYI, Ján BERKY MRENICA Jr.

[10] El Paso (El Paso) [film]. Directed by Zdeněk TYC, Czech Republic: Bontonfilm, 2008. Runtime 107 min. Music by Vojtěch LAVIČKA.

[11] Bastardi (The Bastards) [film]. Directed by Petr ŠÍCHA, Czech Republic: Pegasfilm s. r. o., 2010. Runtime 107 min. Music by Tomáš HAJÍČEK, using songs by RYTMUS and others, Ondřej KONVIČKA.

[12] Bastardi 2 (The Bastards 2) [film]. Directed by Jan LENGYEL, Czech Republic: Pegasfilm s. r. o., 2011. Runtime 95 min. Music by Ondřej KONVIČKA.

[13] Cigán (Gypsy) [film]. Directed by Milan ŠULÍK, Slovakia/Czech Republic: Bontonfilm a. s. Garfield Film, 2011. Runtime 103 min. Music by Vladimír GODÁR.

[14] Bastardi 3 (The Bastards 3) [film]. Directed by Tomáš MAGNUSEK, Czech Republic: Magic Box, 2012. Runtime 97 min. Music by Wek MACK, Michal DVIŘÁČEK, Tomáš KAHL.

[15] Môj pes Killer (My Dog Killer) [film]. Directed by Mira FORNAY, Slovakia/Czech Republic: CinemArt, 2013. Runtime 90, alternatively 87 min. Music used from a music bank.

[16] Strach (Little Secret – festival title) [short film]. Directed by Martin KREJČÍ, Czech Republic: Stillking Films, 2013. Runtime 21 min. Music by Marek DOUBRAVA, Ondřej JEŽEK.

[17] Cesta ven (The Way Out – festival title) [film]. Directed by Petr VÁCLAV, Czech Republic/France: Aerofilms, 2014. Runtime 103 min. Music used from a music bank.

[18] Aferim! (Aferim!) [film]. Directed by Radu JUDE, Romania/Bulgaria/Czech Republic/France: Artcam, 2015. Runtime 108 min. Music by Trei PARELE.

[19] Koza (Goat) [film]. Directed by Ivan OSTROCHOVSKÝ, Slovakia/Czech Republic: Artcam, 2015. Runtime 75, alternatively 72 min. Music dramaturgy by Miroslav TÓTH.

[20] Nikdy nejsme sami (We Are Never Alone) [film]. Directed by Petr VÁCLAV, Czech Republic/France: Falcon, 2016. Runtime 105 min. Music used from a music bank.

[21] Skokan (The Jumper – festival title) [film]. Directed by Petr VÁCLAV, Czech Republic/France: Pilot Film, 2017. Runtime 94, alternatively 90 min. Music used from a music bank.

[22] Bastardi (The Bastards) [TV series]. Directed by Tomáš MAGNUSEK, Czech Republic: TV Barrandov, 2014. Runtime 20 × 30 min.38

[23] Krásná čarodějka (The Beautiful Witch) [TV film]. Directed by Vlasta JANEČKOVÁ, Czechoslovakia: Czech Television, 1991. Runtime 36 min. Music by Vadim PETROV.

[24] Mire Bala Kale Hin – Romské pohádky (Mire Bala Kale Hin – Tales from the Endless Roads) [TV series]. Directed by Katariina LILLQVIST, Jan BALEJ, Czech Republic/Finland: Czech Television, 2001. Runtime 6 × 9 min. Music by Esko MÄKINEN, Rezgar FATAHI, Alec KOPYT, MIRITZA.

[25] Most! (Most!) [TV series]. Directed by Jan PRUŠINOVSKÝ, Czech Republic: Czech Television, 2019. Runtime 6 × 37–48 min. Music used from a music bank.

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[35] HÜBSCHMANNOVÁ, Milena, ed. et al. Goďaver lava phure Romendar. Moudrá slova starých Romů [Goďaver Lava Phure Romendar. Wise Words of Old Roma]. Praha: Apeiron, 1991.

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