Janáčkova Její pastorkyňa a Suchoňova Krútňava

Title: Janáčkova Její pastorkyňa a Suchoňova Krútňava
Variant title:
  • Janáček's Jenůfa and Suchoň's The Whirlpool
Source document: Musicologica Brunensia. 2024, vol. 59, iss. 2, pp. 191-209
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Article
Rights access
open access

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There are several parallels between Leoš Janáček's Její pastorkyňa (Jenůfa, 1903) and Eugen Suchoň's Krútňava (The Whirlpool, 1949). Její pastorkyňa is one of the most important operas of the 20th century. Krútňava fulfilled the function of a national opera and is still the most performed opera in Slovakia. It has also been staged abroad, although it is not yet widely known internationally. Both works were written during almost a decade and had a similar fate after their creation. The composers were confronted with the problem of interference with their authorial conception, and the debate as to whether these changes constituted an infringement of their personal freedom or whether they benefited the works to a certain extent is still going on today. This article aims to highlight some similarities between the operas and the unique dramatic and musical conception of Krútňava.
Článek je výstupem projektu VEGA 1/0629/22.
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