Title: The question of folk art in the interwar period : four texts by Sergei Makovsky (1877-1962), Drahomíra Stránská (1899-1964), Zdeněk Wirth (1878-1961), Karel Teige (1900-1951); translated by Sky Kobylak; [with an introduction by Marta Filipová]
Variant title:
- The question of folk art in the interwar period
Filipová, Marta (Editor)
Filipová, Marta (Author of Introduction)
Kobylak, Skyland Vaclav (Translator)
Source document: Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 85-120
ISSN2695-1428 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/AEC2024-4-5
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80955
Type: Article
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
Rights access
open access
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The processes of modernization in Europe led, in the early twentieth century, to an increasing degree of interest in the status of folk art. If it represented a superseded stage of social and cultural development, what role did it have in modern society? The four texts here illustrate the different kinds of ideas that circulated in Czechoslovakia the interwar period, and they testify to the fact that it remained a continuing subject of fascination. The authors, ranging from the Russian art critic Sergei Makovsky to Karel Teige, one of the leading members of the Czechoslovak avant-garde, deal with a range of issues, to do with the nature creativity in folk art, the role of women as makers, the relation between folk and high art, and the commodification of folk art in modern urban life. The texts are prefaced with an introduction that outlines the broader context of debate in which these texts belong.
Contents: Makovsky, Sergei [Makovskij, Sergej K.]. The Folk Art of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, translated into Czech by Antonín Poláček. Translated by Sky Kobylak, edited by Marta Filipová, p. 91-97. -- Originally published as Lidové umění Podkarpatské Rusi, Prague: Plamja, 1925, 9-16.
Contents: Stránská, Drahomíra. The Work of Women in Folk Art. Translated by Sky Kobylak, edited by Marta Filipová, p. 98-101. -- Originally published as 'Práce ženy v lidovém umění', in Anna Roškotová, ed., Sborník Kruhu výtvarných umělkyň, Prague: The Women Artists' Circle, 1935, 55-59.
Contents: Wirth, Zdeněk. The Art of the Czechoslovak People. Translated by Sky Kobylak, edited by Marta Filipová, p. 102-116. -- Originally published as Umění československého lidu, Prague: Vesmír, 1928, 5-11.
Contents: Teige, Karel. New Art and Folk Creation. Translated by Sky Kobylak, edited by Marta Filipová, p. 117-120. -- Originally published as 'Nové umění a lidová torba,' Červen 4:12, 1921, 175-77.