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Displaying 27401 - 27425 of 27984

Juhaňák, Libor. Seznam obrázků. In: Juhaňák, Libor. Analytika učení a data mining ve vzdělávání v kontextu systémů pro řízení výuky. 2023, pp. 222–223.

Hochmanová, Dita. Introduction. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 7–16.

Hochmanová, Dita. Joseph Andrews and the problem of decorum. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 17–33.

Hochmanová, Dita. Tom Jones and the right measure of self-interest. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 35–60.

Hochmanová, Dita. Amelia and the limits of empathy. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 61–85.

Hochmanová, Dita. Conclusion. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 87–89.

Hochmanová, Dita. References. In: Hochmanová, Dita. Henry Fielding between satire and sentiment : politeness and masculinity in eighteenth-century Britain. 2023, pp. 95–99.

Sobotka, Jaromír. Genius, martyr, prophet : the myth of Karl Marx in social democratic milieu in Cisleithania : summary. In: Sobotka, Jaromír. Génius, mučedník, prorok : mýtus Karla Marxe v sociálně demokratickém prostředí Předlitavska. 2023, pp. 117–119.

Antošovská, Tereza. The dark side of childhood in Roman society : violence and death in the children's life : summary. In: Antošovská, Tereza. Odvrácená tvář dětství v římské společnosti : násilí a smrt v životě dítěte. 2023, pp. 169–171.

Krátký, Dan. King of the monsters! : films with Godzilla from 1954 to 1965 : summary. In: Krátký, Dan. Král monster! : filmy s Godzillou v letech 1954 až 1965. 2023, pp. 123–124.

Blake, Jason. [Jarman, Mark Anthony. Touch Anywhere to Begin]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 107–109.

Filipová, Marta. Exhibitions and the human factor. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 5–9.

Secklehner, Julia. 'Feminine horror' or 'eminent Viennese specialty'? : Vienna's Kunstgewerblerin in Paris, 1925. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 13–36.

Berezina, Elizaveta. Experts and artisans at the 1937 Paris World's Fair : the case of the Soviet pavilion. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 59–77.

Machalíková, Pavla. Flowers and windows : the first art exhibitions in Prague in the nineteenth century and the shaping of modern exhibition spaces. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 111–139.

Jackson-Beckett, Michelle. Reconsidering Jewish cultural identity in modern Central European architecture and design. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 143–149.

Drobe, Christian. Change and conformity : to the rhythm of European classicisms?. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 151–158.

Jackson, Ladislav. Toyen captured by identitarian politics?. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 159–167.

Janáč, Petr. Exploring the demystification of an architectural legend. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 169–176.

Keller, Natalia. National art and culture in Poland before the First World War. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 177–182.

Rampley, Matthew. Questions for Czech architectural history. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 183–188.

Świtek, Gabriela. Temporal entanglements in art and exhibition histories. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 189–194.

Notes on contributors. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 195–197.