Displaying 6226 - 6250 of 6535
Speich, Heinrich.
"quod non possit iudiciarie terminari" : arbitration landscape in the late Medieval Swiss Confederation. Studia historica Brunensia. 2024, vol. 71, iss. 2, pp. 191–211.
Dedić, Enes.
Partial or absolute authority : the head (djed) of the Bosnian Church as an arbiter in determining culpability between Bosnian rulers and nobles in the 14th and 15th centuries. Studia historica Brunensia. 2024, vol. 71, iss. 2, pp. 93–110.
Nemeš, Jaroslav.
Využitie stanov v stredovekom Uhorsku. Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 665–686.
Labuda, Jozef.
Človek a montánna krajina neskorého stredoveku a novoveku : príklad Banskej Štiavnice. Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 719–730.
Styková, Barbora, Styk, Matej, Repka, Dominik.
Rekonštrukcia kachľovej pece habánskeho štýlu z Oponického hradu. Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 745–762.
Mikulec, Roman, Hlavica, Michal, Kmošek, Matěj.
Archaeological evidence of independent iron production from the 9th-century rural settlement of Bořitov (Blansko District, Czechia). Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 763–794.
Šimončičová Koóšová, Petra.
Odišiel Človek… : PhDr. Branislav Lesák (8. júla 1965 – 13. mája 2022). Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 795–797.
Dosavadní celostátní a mezinárodní konference k problematice historické archeologie a jejich publikace. Archaeologia historica. 2022, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. 809–810.
Porubjak, Matúš.
Sókratovská pedagogika v Platónovom dialógu Menón. Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 1–15.
Suvák, Vladislav.
Ideál kynika v Diónových Rečiach. Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 16–27.
Károly, Tomáš.
O empirickej nevyhnutnosti – kategorické, dispozičné vlastnosti a zákony prírody. Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 28–42.
Šedo, Marcel.
Umelecky býva človek : advenant ako herec vo filozofii Clauda Romana. Pro-Fil. 2022, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 43–56.
Ghanbari Barzian, Ali, Ganjvar, Mahdi.
New spiritual movements as autonomous religiosity of Iranian young adults. Religio. 2022, vol. 30, iss. 2, pp. 91–112.
Tížik, Miroslav .
[Havlíček, Tomáš a kol. Postsekularismus v Česku: trendy a regionální souvislosti]. Religio. 2022, vol. 30, iss. 2, pp. 199–203.
Hendrychová, Simona.
Editorial board's recommendations. Sacra. 2024, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 74–86.
Effenberger, Vratislav.
Avant-garde theory in the 1960s : [with an introduction by Matthew Rampley]. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 35–65.
Cseh-Varga, Katalin, Deres, Kornélia.
Constructing Czechoslovak and Hungarian performance art history : guardians and narrative shifts. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 13–34.
Rampley, Matthew.
Narratives and interpretations : editorial. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 5–9.
Hodes, Aleš, Mokrý, Matouš.
Selection of titles from the interdisciplinary research field of the relationship between religion and politics. Sacra. 2023, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 54–64.
Demchenko, Dariia.
Shifting paths in the study of art in Ukraine. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 67–83.
Cseh-Varga, Katalin.
Histories of decentral art history during the Cold War. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 139–145.
Adoff, Julian.
In search of the archaic. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 123–128.
Secklehner, Julia.
New narratives for Viennese modernism. Art East Central. 2024, vol. [4], iss. 4, pp. 129–132.