Title: Magnae Moraviae fontes historici. I, [Annales et chronicae]
Variant title:
- Prameny k dějinám Velké Moravy. I
Havlík, Lubomír Emil (Editor)
Bartoňková, Dagmar (Editor)
Masařík, Zdeněk (Editor)
Večerka, Radoslav (Editor)
Vyd. 1.
Place of publication
Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
Year of publication
387 s., [2] s. obr. příl. (složené mapy) :
- Opera Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis, Facultas philosophica = Spisy University J.E. Purkyně v Brně, Filosofická fakulta; 104
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/103759
Link to MU library catalogue: 60941
Subject headings
- K vydání připravili: Dagmar Bartoňková, Lubomír Havlík, Zdeněk Mašařík, Radoslav Večerka
Department FF MU
License: Not specified license
Rights holder
Masarykova univerzita – Filozofická fakulta
Rights access
fulltext is not accessible
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Karpatská kotlina a Panonie podle údajů díla P. Magistri Gesta Hungarorum |
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Střední Evropa v údajích franských pramenů 9. stol. |
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Praefatio | [5] |
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Předmluva | [7]–11 Havlík, Lubomír Emil |
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Úvod k I. svazku | [15]–17 |
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Místa vzniku pramenů k dějinám Velké Moravy | [18] |
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Chronicarum quae dicuntur Fredegarii Scholastici libri IV | [19]–27 |
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Annales sancti Amandi | 28 |
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Annales Guelferbytani | 29 |
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Regnum (regna) Marauorum (Marahensium) koncem druhé třetiny 9. století | 30 |
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Annales Alamannici | 31–33 |
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Annales Flaviniacenses | 34 |
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Annales regni Francorum | 35–52 |
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Annales Mettenses priores | 53–57 |
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Annales Tiliani | 58–59 |
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Chronicon Moissiacense | 60–61 |
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Annales Sithienses | 62 |
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Annales Maximiniani | 63–64 |
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Nithardi Historiarum libri | 65 |
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Annales Xantenses | 66–69 |
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Annales Bertiniani | 71–80 |
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Erchanberti Breviarium regum Francorum | 81–82 |
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Contermini Baioariorum et Marahensium | 83 |
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Francorum regum historia | 84 |
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Annales Fuldenses | 85–129 |
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Annales sancti Emmerammi Ratisponensis minores | 130 |
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Annales Iuvavenses maximi | 131 |
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Reginonis abbatis Prumiensis Chronicon | 132–140 |
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Annales Laubacenses | 141 |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Annales Weingartenses | 142 |
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Annales Sangallenses maiores | 143 |
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Annales Einsidlenses | 144 |
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Liudprandi episcopi Cremonensis Antapodosis | 145–147 |
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Widukindi Monachi Corbeiensis Rerum Gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres | 148–149 |
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Annales Lobienses | 150 |
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Annales Hildesheimenses | 151 |
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Annales Quedlinburgenses | 152 |
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Annales Weissemburgenses | 153 |
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Annales Ottenburani | 154 |
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Thietmari Merseburgensis episcopi Chronicon | 155–157 |
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Annales Altahenses maiores | 158 |
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Petri Bibliothecarii Historia Francorum Abbreviata | 159 |
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Chronicon Suevicum universale | 160 |
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Herimanni Augiensis Chronicon | 161–170 |
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Magistri Adam Bremensis - Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum | 171–172 |
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Annales Lamberti | 173–174 |
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Mariani Scotti Chronicon | 175 |
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Annales Pragenses | 176 |
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Chronicon Vedastinum | 177–178 |
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Bernoldi Chronicon | 179 |
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Annales Mettenses posteriores | 180–182 |
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Annales Yburgenses | 183 |
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Chronicon Hungarico-Polonicum | 184–185 |
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Sigiberti Chronica | 186–188 |
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Galli Chronicon | 189 |
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Pověst dávných let; [Toto je Pověst dávných let...] | 190–197 |
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O překladu knih | 198 |
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Chronologická stať Kirikova | 199 |
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Cosmae Pragensis Chronica Boemorum | 200–203 |
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Ekkehardi Chronicon universale | 204–206 |
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Chronicon Epternacense breve | 207 |
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Annales Mellicenses | 208 |
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Annales Admuntenses | 209 |
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Historia regum Francorum monasterii sancti Dionysii | 210 |
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P. Magistri, qui Anonymus dicitur, Gesta Hungarorum | 211–237 |
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Presbyteri Diocleatis Regnum Sclavorum | 238–245 |
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Annalista Saxo | 246–251 |
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Annales Gradicenses | 252–253 |
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Helmoldi presbyteri Chronica Slavorum | 254 |
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Annales sancti Rudberti Salisburgenses | 255 |
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Annales Magdeburgenses | 256–257 |
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Chronica collecta a Magno presbytero; [Chronicon Magni presbiteri] | 258–259 |
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Annales ducum Bavariae | 260 |
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Rogeri de Wendover Chronica; [Ex Rogeri de Wendover Floribus Historiarum] | 261 |
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Annales Stadenses auctore Alberto | 262 |
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Simonis de Keza Gesta Hungarorum | 263–267 |
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Annales sancti Trudperti | 268 |
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Chronicon imperatorum et pontificum Bavaricum | 269–270 |
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Auctarium Ekkehardi Altahense | 271 |
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Auctarium Cremifanense | 272 |
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Dalimilova kronika; Nejstarší česká rýmovaná kronika tak řečeného Dalimila | 273–276 |
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Annales Osterhovenses | 277 |
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Bernardi Cremifanensis Historiae | 278 |
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Auctarium Gartense | 279 |
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Chronici Hungarici compositio saeculi XIV | 280–289 |
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Chronicon Posoniense | 290–292 |
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Chronicon Henrici de Mügeln Germanice conscriptum | 293–297 |
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Chronicon rhytmicum Henrici de Mügeln | 298–303 |
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Catalogi episcoporum Cracoviensium | 304–306 |
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Cronica Przibiconis dicti Pulkaua | 307–311 |
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Annales Bohemici | 312 |
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Auctarium Mellicense | 313 |
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Granum cathalogi praesulum Moraviae | 314–316 |
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Chronicon Monacense | 317–318 |
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Rocznik Traski | 319 |
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Rocznik Krasińskich | 320 |
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Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini Historia Bohemica | 321–324 |
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Ioannis Dlugossi Historiae Polonicae libri XII | 325–326 |
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Johannis de Thurócz Chronica Hungarorum | 327–330 |
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Petri Ranssani Epitome rerum Hungaricarum | 331 |
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Antonii Bonfini Rerum Hungaricarum decades quinque (libris XLV comprehensae) | 332–335 |
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Excerpta Aventini ex Annalibus Iuvavensibus antiquis derivati | 336–337 |
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Ioannis Aventini Annales Boiorum | 338–376 |
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Sbírky pramenů | 377–378 |
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Seznam hlavní literatury | 379–385 |