Jak čtou elitní čtenáři

Title: Jak čtou elitní čtenáři
Variant title:
  • How elite readers read
Author: Fibiger, Martin
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2015, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 113-125
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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This study deals with the relationship of university students to books, reading, and literary education, reports the results of surveys, provides analyses of the received data, and presents conclusions about the findings. The inspiration for the research problem and the methodology of the survey were drawn from professional books written by Jiří Trávníček Do We Read? Czech Citizens and Their Attitude to the Book (2008), Readers and Internauts. Czech Citizens and Their Attitude to the Book (2011) and Overloaded by Books. What we read and buy (2013) which represent contemporary survey projects of larger extent focused on reading in the Czech Republic. The first survey questioned university students comprising 355 respondents, 42 men and 313 women. The second survey questioned university students comprising 188 respondents, 24 men and 164 women. The research factors included: - pattern of book reading behaviour (process of reading, buying books, visiting public libraries); reading strategies ("how", "where" and "when" they read); reading in foreign languages; favourite writers, works, literary genres etc.; correlation between school assessment and reading; correlation between a positive attitude towards literature classes (or the teacher) and reading etc.
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