Contemporary dance theatre in neurocognitive perspective – Granhøj Dans case

Title: Contemporary dance theatre in neurocognitive perspective – Granhøj Dans case
Source document: Theatralia. 2016, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 76-90
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The article 'Contemporary Dance Theatre in Neurocognitive Perspective – Granhøj Dans Case' concerns the description and interpretation of contemporary dance techniques using the example of the method created by Nancy Spanier (USA) and developed by Palle Granhøj (Denmark). The precise description of the performance's creation is presented from the perspective of a dancer taking part in a Granhøj Dans production. The neurocogitive context is then used to prove the director's statement, that the method 'allows the dancers to be more human, less dancers', thus creating a specific 'humanistic' effect in the aesthetics of the performance, which, as it is argued, exists in contemporary dance in general. Therefore, the obstruction technique serves as a valid example for applying cognitive sciences and neurosciences in the field of dance studies.
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