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Redefining the "Great Idea" : the impact of the Macedonian struggle 1904–1908 on the formation of Athanasios Souliotis-Nikolaidis' "Oriental Ideal". Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, vol. 15, iss. [1], pp. 13–31.
Varvounis, Emmanouil.
Some observations on Greek popular worship and the traditional religiosity of the Greek people. Neograeca Bohemica. 2018, vol. 18, iss. [1], pp. 35–51.
Boskovic, Vladimir.
On fire, light, and volcanoes : tracing a 'Forgotten Ethics' in Elytis and Camus. Neograeca Bohemica. 2016, vol. 16, iss. [1], pp. 9–30.
Marazopoulos, Petros.
European unity, modern Greek identity and historicization of the Past : the 'Greek crisis' as perceived in contemporary literary texts. Neograeca Bohemica. 2022, vol. 22, iss. [1], pp. 49–62.
Christodoulidou, Louiza.
To the rhythm of Kyriakos Charalambides' Dionysus: to the 'pulse of life'. Neograeca Bohemica. 2022, vol. 22, iss. [1], pp. 63–79.
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