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Mikeš, Marek. Seznam použitých obrazových materiálů. In: Mikeš, Marek. Gendži monogatari a populární literatura období Edo : případová studie díla Nise Murasaki inaka Gendži autora Rjúteie Tanehika. 2020, s. 197–200.

Mikeš, Marek. Bibliografie. In: Mikeš, Marek. Gendži monogatari a populární literatura období Edo : případová studie díla Nise Murasaki inaka Gendži autora Rjúteie Tanehika. 2020, s. 190–196.

Mikeš, Marek. Genji monogatari and popular literature of the Edo period: a case study of Nise Murasaki inaka Genji by Ryūtei Tanehiko : summary. In: Mikeš, Marek. Gendži monogatari a populární literatura období Edo : případová studie díla Nise Murasaki inaka Gendži autora Rjúteie Tanehika. 2020, s. 188–189.

Jurkovič, Tomáš. The Izanagi motive in Haruki Murakami's novels : summary. In: Jurkovič, Tomáš. Izanagiovský motiv v románech Haruki Murakamiho. 2019, s. 153–154.

Malá, Zuzana. Introduction. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 9–17.

Malá, Zuzana. List of figures. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 169–170.

Malá, Zuzana. Conclusions. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 129–131.

Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the consumer society. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 107–128.

Malá, Zuzana. The Cloth Bridge Consecration rite. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 135–139.

Malá, Zuzana. The afterlife. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 19–39.

Malá, Zuzana. The Tateyama cult. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 57–74.

Malá, Zuzana. Acknowledgments. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 7.

Malá, Zuzana. Bibliography. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 157–168.

Malá, Zuzana. Retreat. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 141–148.

Malá, Zuzana. In the name of religious-cultural heritage. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 75–106.

Malá, Zuzana. The Tateyama Mandala. In: Malá, Zuzana. Religious practices in the Japanese mountains : from fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer society. 2019, s. 41–56.

Abstracts. In: Kłodnicki, Zygmunt. , Luković, Miloš. , Slavkovský, Peter. , Stoličná, Rastislava. , Válka, Miroslav. Tradiční agrární kultura v kontextu společenského vývoje střední Evropy a Balkánu. 2012, s. 249–252.

Válka, Miroslav. Foreword. In: Botiková, Marta. , Jakubíková, Kornélia. , Hlôšková, Hana. , Janto, Juraj. Výzkumné a metodické postupy současné slovenské etnologie : (problematika rodiny – obřadní studia – oral history – aplikovaná etnologie). 2013, s. 7–8.

Iconographic sources for the study of traditional culture. In: Křížová, Alena. Ikonografické prameny ke studiu tradiční kultury. 2011, s. 164–167.

Resumé. In: Dosedlová, Aneta. , Hegerová, Terézia. , Krajcová, Pavla. , Mašková, Kateřina. , Mydliarová, Lucia. , Russeová, Zuzana. , Samoylova, Nataliya. , Shejbalová, Zuzana. Tradiční rodina v Číně. 2019, s. 84.

Pavlicová, Martina. Summary. In: Pavlicová, Martina. Lidová kultura a její historicko-společenské reflexe : (mikrosociální sondy). 2007, s. 175.

Holý, Dušan. Summary : Dušan Holý: Development and style of folk music: folk dance music on the Moravian side of the White Carpathians in the Horňácko sub-region. In: Holý, Dušan. Problémy vývoje a stylu lidové hudby : lidová taneční hudba na moravské straně Bílých Karpat v subregionu Horňácko. 2013, s. 173–178.

Jeřábek, Richard. Author's note. In: Jeřábek, Richard. Biografický slovník evropské etnologie. 2013, s. 8–11.

Publisher's note. In: Jeřábek, Richard. Biografický slovník evropské etnologie. 2013, s. 12.