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Zita, Antonín. The reception in the United States: current reception. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 83–102.

Zita, Antonín. The reception in the Czech Republic. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 143–162.

Zita, Antonín. Bibliography. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 184–197.

Zita, Antonín. Introduction to the Beat Generation. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 9–23.

Zita, Antonín. The United States of the fifties and the sixties: an introduction. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 36–47.

Zita, Antonín. Motto. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 7.

Zita, Antonín. Index. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 198–200.

Zita, Antonín. The reception in Czechoslovakia. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 119–142.

Zita, Antonín. Summary. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 178–180.

Zita, Antonín. The reception of the Beat Generation: a discussion. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 163–174.

Zita, Antonín. The reception in the United States: the fifties and the sixties. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 48–82.

Zita, Antonín. Conclusion. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 175–177.

Zita, Antonín. Theoretical background. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands. 2018, s. 24–35.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Acknowledgements. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 8.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Summary. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 73–75.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Comparison of English and Czech intonation. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 46–72.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Appendix. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 80–118.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Abbreviations. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 9.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. The role of intonation in functional sentence perspective. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 24–37.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Preface. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 7.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. References. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 76–79.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Index. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 119.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Analysis of English and Czech intonation. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 38–45.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation and prosodic systems. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. 2017, s. 11–23.

Hladký, Josef. Vážená paní Firbasová, vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové, .... In: Jan Firbas ve vzpomínkách. 2003, s. 47–51.