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Fialová, Anděla, Hejnic, Josef. Jan Staicze et son manuel. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 209–222.

Beneš, Jan. Analecta Stephana Zamosia a jeho vědomosti o římském vojsku v Dákii. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 265–269.

Pelikán, Oldřich. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit.... In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 71–78.

Bouzek, Jan, Bouzková, Hana. Un bol Iliaque. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 67–70.

Nováková, Julie. De J.A. Comenii Continuatione admonitionis fraternae emendanda. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 271–283.

Vidman, Ladislav. Prolegomena zum Index cognominum zu cil VI. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 83–90.

Beneš, Pavel. Remarques sur quelques noms propres dans la Chronique de Frédégaire. In: Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata. 1975, s. 125–127.

Drábek, Pavel. Fletcher's dramatic extremism. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 111–140.

Drábek, Pavel. From source to play: Bonduca. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 95–110.

Drábek, Pavel. Summary – shrnutí : Umění vrcholného dramatu Johna Fletchera a jeho spolupracovníků. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 175–179.

Drábek, Pavel. Modern stage conventions of realism : a defence of mimetic inconsistencies. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 27–40.

Drábek, Pavel. Plats and plays. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 61–80.

Drábek, Pavel. To the reader. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 7–8.

Drábek, Pavel. Subjective allegories : the fictional here-and-now, or, What may be digested in a play?. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 141–174.

Drábek, Pavel. [Appendices]. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 180–205.

Drábek, Pavel. Sources of Bonduca. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 81–94.

Drábek, Pavel. Bibliography. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 206–214.

Drábek, Pavel. Theatre and theory: modern conventions of ideology. In: Drábek, Pavel. Fletcherian dramatic achievement : a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). 2010, s. 41–60.

Nicolaus Dresdensis. Praefatio. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 7–8.

Nechutová, Jana. Fontes manu scripti. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 20–21.

Nechutová, Jana. Auctoris ad sua ipsius opera revocationes. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 108–109.

Nechutová, Jana. Loci. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 98–107.

Nechutová, Jana. Disputationes et adnotationes. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 22.

Nechutová, Jana. Nominum, librorum, locorumque compendia : (quae in adnotationibus, apparatu critico, indice occurrunt). In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 24.

Nicolaus Dresdensis. Předmluva. In: Nicolaus Dresdensis. Querite primum regnum Dei. 1967, s. 9–19.