Zobrazují se záznamy 251 - 275 z celkového počtu 448
Bartoněk, Antonín.
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Bartoněk, Antonín.
The origination of the central phoneme ǖ. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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The classification of the Greek dialects according to their long-vowel systems by 350 B.C.. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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The primary and the secondary ē-, ō- sounds in Greek dialects. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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Bartoněk, Antonín.
The main sources of origin of the secondary ē, ō : ei-, ou- monophthongization. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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Bartoněk, Antonín.
The history of phonemic investigation in Ancient Greek. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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Bartoněk, Antonín.
The development of the long-vowel system in separate Greek dialects till 350 B.C.. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
1966, s. 131–148.
Bartoněk, Antonín.
Tables. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
1966, s. 169–183.
Bartoněk, Antonín.
Conclusion. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
1966, s. 156–161.
Bartoněk, Antonín.
Some special sources of origin of the secondary ē. In: Bartoněk, Antonín. Development of the long-vowel system in Ancient Greek dialects.
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