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Zobrazují se záznamy 151 - 175 z celkového počtu 185

Čale, Morana. Uncanny hypotyposes : on written portraits by Pirandello and Poe. In: Moderna - avantgarda - postmoderna. 2003, s. 103–114.

Gajdoš, Július. The mind and the body in performance art. In: Moderna - avantgarda - postmoderna. 2003, s. 357–361.

Bakula, Bogusław. The Polish historical novel after 1945 : some genological questions. In: Alexandr Veselovskij a dnešek : (materiály konference konané ve dnech 22.-24. října 1996). 1998, s. 255–262.

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Bunjak, Petar, Topić, Miroslav. Attributes of wine in Serbian decasyllabic folk poems. In: Dialogy o slovanských literaturách : tradice a perspektivy. 2012, s. 47–53.

Škulj, Jola. Modernism and the crisis of consciousness. In: Moderna - avantgarda - postmoderna. 2003, s. 147–160.

Kostincová, Jana. The hermits of Prague : Russian émigré poetry in the context of modernism and the avant-garde. In: Moderna - avantgarda - postmoderna. 2003, s. 131–136.

Sedlář, Jaroslav. Post-modernism in creative arts in the Czech Republic and in the world. In: Moderna - avantgarda - postmoderna. 2003, s. 371–381.

Porter, Robert. Aspects of alienation in Russian and other literature: borders and islands. In: Dialogy o slovanských literaturách : tradice a perspektivy. 2012, s. 161–167.

Juvan, Marko. The space of Slovenian literary culture: framework and goals of a research project. In: Dialogy o slovanských literaturách : tradice a perspektivy. 2012, s. 115–118.

Portis-Winner, Irene. Jakobson's world: his dialogue with Peirce implications for American ethnology. In: Roman Jakobson. 1996, s. 29–40.

Gadet, Françoise. Symmetry devices in phonology, grammar, poetics. In: Roman Jakobson. 1996, s. 51–60.

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