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Zobrazují se záznamy 201 - 225 z celkového počtu 252

Plontke-Lüning, Annegret. Early Christian Churches in Caucasian Albania. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 160–175.

Maranci, Christina. The monument and the world : Zuart'noc' and the problem of origins. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 70–87.

Thunø, Erik. Cross-cultural dressing, the medieval South Caucasus and art history. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 144–159.

Bacci, Michele. Echoes of Golgotha : on the iconization of monumental crosses in medieval Svanet'i. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 206–225.

Jones, Lynn. Relics, woodworking, and the skins of reptiles : the material culture of Caucasian Albania. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 176–187.

Eastmond, Anthony. Greeks bearing gifts: the icon of Xaxuli and enamel diplomacy between Byzantium and Georgia. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 88–105.

Blessing, Patricia. Medieval monuments from empire to nation state : beyond Armenian and Islamic architecture in the South Caucasus (1180–1300). Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 52–69.

Shalem, Avinoam. Passages : Meyer Schapiro's early travels and the uniting Mediterranean Sea. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 16–35.

Romano, Serena. Wonderful Rusuti : Nemo propheta in patria. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 106–125.

Romano, Serena, Scirocco, Elisabetta. Mediterranean dialogues across time and space. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 10–13.

Varela, Gerardo Boto. [San Tommaso ad Acquanegra sul Chiese: storia, architettura e contesto figurativo di una chiesa abbaziale romanica]. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 172–173.

Lidova, Maria. [Bacci, Michele. The many faces of Christ : portaying the Holy in the East ans West, 300 to 1300]. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 163–167.

Kapitaikin, Lev. Human flight on a fabulous superbird : uplifting images between Sicily and Khurasan. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 2, s. 84–105.

Foletti, Ivan. The Russian view of a 'peripheral' region : Nikodim P. Kondakov and the Southern Caucasus. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. Supplementum, s. 20–35.

Boreczky, Anna. Classical heritage & medieval innovation : introduction. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 15–19.

Németh, András. Continuous narration through scenic depictions : the Apollonius pictus. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 106–121.

Guardia, Milagros. Iratusque est Cain vehementer... : Cain being wroth: a gap in the iconographic transmission in the Pyrenees. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 136–153.

Photographic credits. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 214–215.

Kessler, Herbert L.. The Christianity of Carolingian classicism. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 22–39.

Bollók, Ádám. Rediscovering antiquities and reviving the past : Byzantium during the 9th and 10th centuries. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 60–75.

Foletti, Ivan. Open to change, faithful to precepts. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 8–11.

Lovino, Francesco. Leafing through Seminarium Kondakovianum, I. Studies on Byzantine Illumination. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 206–213.

Szakács, Béla Zsolt. Archaism, imitation, provincialism? : notes on the murals of Kosztolány - Kostoľany pod Tribečom. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 154–171.

Boreczky, Anna. The illustrated life of Apollonius and Tarsia : a "papyrus-style" narrative in Ottonian art. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 76–91.