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Zobrazují se záznamy 1626 - 1650 z celkového počtu 4784

Řezníček, Ivo, Sirovátka, Oldřich. Long-term unemployment in a semi-rural county. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 93–115.

Možný, Ivo. Introduction. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 9–25.

Nerudová, Liliana. Summary. In: Nerudová, Liliana. Partnerské vztahy mládeže a jejich sociální rizika. c1987, s. 135–140.

Konývková, Tereza. Bibliografie. In: Konývková, Tereza. Tělo v pohybu : performativita sokolského hnutí v období formování moderního českého národa. 2020, s. 117–124.

Konývková, Tereza. The moving body : performativity within the Sokol movement in the period of the formation of the modern Czech nation : summary. In: Konývková, Tereza. Tělo v pohybu : performativita sokolského hnutí v období formování moderního českého národa. 2020, s. 115–116.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Bibliografia. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, s. 114–122.

Čižmíková, Danuša. The quest for identities in modern Lebanese women's fiction : summary. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, s. 112–113.

Bicanová, Klára. Introduction. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 9–18.

Bicanová, Klára. Wit and esprit: points of accord and dissonance. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 118–127.

Bicanová, Klára. Endnotes. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 143–150.

Bicanová, Klára. Chevalier de Méré: esprit as light of nature. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 69–75.

Bicanová, Klára. Dominique Bouhours and poetic ideologies of the bel esprit. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 56–68.

Bicanová, Klára. True and false wit: Dryden, Pope, and Addison : [introduction]. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 87–88.

Bicanová, Klára. Conclusion. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 129–132.

Bicanová, Klára. Wit theorized: summary of twentieth-century approaches. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 19–31.

Bicanová, Klára. The culture of the late seventeenth century: political, philosophical and literary-historical setting. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 44–54.

Bicanová, Klára. [Dedication]. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, s. 7.

Dosedlová, Jaroslava. Optimism and its role in the context of health : summary. In: Dosedlová, Jaroslava. Optimismus a jeho role v kontextu zdraví. 2018, s. 140–146.

Chalupa, Aleš. The Roman cult of Mithras : atlas of sites and catalogue of Mithraic evidence I : summary. In: Chalupa, Aleš. Římský kult boha Mithry : atlas lokalit a katalog nálezů I. 2023, s. 387–389.

Vrzal, Miroslav, Simpson, Scott, Vencálek, Matouš. Introduction: Paganism and its others. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 7–8.

Smorževs'ka, Oksana Oleksandrìvna. The hero-warrior in the worldview and practice of contemporary Pagans in Ukraine. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 9–31.

Haqqi, Muhammad Amirul. Challenging the binary principles : LGBTQ+ Wiccan practice in the Berkano Wicca tradition in Hungary. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 33–55.

Kubisa, Tomáš. Vedic Slavism in Slovakia : ideology and practice. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 81–101.

Testa, Alessandro. Re-thinking the concept of re-enchantment in Central-Eastern Europe. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 103–131.