Zobrazují se záznamy 201 - 225 z celkového počtu 265
Baumann, Martin.
Temples, cupolas, minarets : public space as contested terrain in contemporary Switzerland. Religio. 2009, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 141–153.
Wiebe, Donald.
Religious biases in funding religious studies research?. Religio. 2009, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 125–140.
Chalupa, Aleš.
Seven Mithraic grades : an initiatory or priestly hierarchy?. Religio. 2008, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 177–201.
Martin, Luther H..
The Roman cult of Mithras : a cognitive perspective. Religio. 2006, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 131–146.
Zimoń, Henryk.
Earth beliefs and Earth priests among the Konkomba of Northern Ghana. Religio. 2003, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 77–100.
Martin, Luther H..
The future of the past : the history of religions and cognitive historiography. Religio. 2012, roč. 20, č. 2, s. 155–171.
Hendrychová, Simona.
Evolution in conversation: insights from a conversation with ChatGPT 3.5 on navigating the intersection of religion, politics and science in the post-truth era. Sacra. 2023, roč. 21, č. 1, s. 46–57.
Pecka, Daniel.
Religion and the Mind : discussing topics of religion from the perspective of human cognition. Sacra. 2023, roč. 21, č. 1, s. 62–64.
Kapcár, Andrej.
European Association for the Study of Religions conference 2023, September 4-8, Vilnius. Religio. 2024, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 229–232.
Kostićová, Zuzana Marie.
Towards "river awareness" : a response to Bronislaw Szerszynski's EASR 2023 keynote. Religio. 2024, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 233–235.
Marrone, Tancredi.
[Kripal, Jeffrey J. The superhumanities: historical precedents, moral objections, new realities]. Religio. 2024, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 235–237.
Eller, Jack David.
[Testa, Alessandro. Ritualising cultural heritage and re-enchanting rituals in Europe]. Religio. 2024, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 238–240.
Václavík, David.
Waking up the old boogeymen? : some comments on Donald Wiebe's text. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 2, s. 347–352.
Ališauskienė, Milda.
The international conference "New and minority religions, crises, and resilience : overcoming inner and external obstacles", held in Vilnius in June 2023. Religio. 2023, roč. 31, č. 2, s. 353–355.
Kapcár, Andrej.
The origins of necromancy or How we learned to speak to the dead. Sacra. 2015, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 30–58.
Vozár, Zdenko, Weill-Parot, Nicolas.
Between the astral plane and scholasticism: a Parisian interview with the expert on virtutes occultae Nicolas Weill-Parot. Sacra. 2015, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 77–94.
Pollívka, Jan, Tlčimuková, Petra.
Erasmus intensive programme in the study of religions v Brně. Sacra. 2007, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 182–184.
Šťastná, Kateřina.
Konference "Civil Religion, Private Spirituality", Szeged, 25.–27. října 2007. Sacra. 2007, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 193–195.
Rodriguez, Luis Carlos.
Bender, Courtney (2010). New Metaphysicals: Spirituality and the American Religious Imagination. Sacra. 2013, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 53–55.
Lane, Justin E..
Cognition in context : new approaches to new Islamist movements in the Middle East. Sacra. 2011, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 22–33.
Mac Gillavry, David.
Aleister Crowley, the Guardian Angel and Aiwass : the nature of spiritual beings in the philosophies of the great Beast 666. Sacra. 2013, roč. 11, č. 2, s. 33–42.
Karasaridis, Anestis.
SDCAS and Joukowsky Institute webinars on epidemics and pandemics in Antiquity. Sacra. 2020, roč. 18, č. 2, s. 51–55.
Panagiotidou, Olympia.
From body to space and time : perceiving space and time in the Mithras cult. Sacra. 2012, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 33–47.
Bodosi-Kocsis, Nóra.
Reflexive ethnography as a tool in researching Hungarian Krishna devotees reflections on the margin of a long-term fieldwork among the Hungarian Community of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Sacra. 2012, roč. 10, č. 2, s. 49–55.