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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 15 z celkového počtu 15

Golková, Eva. On adverbials of agency in English and Czech. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 37–48.

Kocmanová, Jessie. [Victorian poetry. Autumn/winter 1982, vol. 20, no. 3-4, An issue devoted to the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 165–166.

Korpaková, Renata. "The waste land" and "A drunk man looks at the thistle" : a confrontation of two intellectual milestones. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 139–147.

Hladký, Josef. [Ehrlich, Eugene; Flexner, Stuart Berg; Carruth, Gorton; Hawkins, Joyce M. Oxford American dictionary]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 160.

Kocmanová, Jessie. [Roberts, John R. John Donne: an annotated bibliography of modern criticism, 1968-1978]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 166.

Svoboda, Aleš. Thematic elements. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 49–85.

Ondráček, Jaroslav. On some characteristic features of the conditional and the subjunctive in Italian and in English compared with Finnish and Czech. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 111–135.

Firbas, Jan. On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective : comments on Alexander Szwedek's critique. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 9–36.

Svoboda, Aleš. [Greenbaum, S.; Leech, G.; Svartvik, J., ed. Studies in English linguistics for Randolph Quirk]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 159–160.

Kocmanová, Jessie. [Gray, James Martin. Thro' the vision of the night ; Tillotson, Geoffrey. A view of Victorian literature]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 163–165.

Urbanová, Ludmila. [Jones, Daniel. Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 161–162.

Tichý, Aleš. [Newmark, Peter. Approaches to translation]. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 162–163.

Hladký, Josef. Parts of speech and spheres of modality in English and Czech. Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 87–109.