La valoración de "el otro" en la fraseología alemana, checa, española e inglesa

Název: La valoración de "el otro" en la fraseología alemana, checa, española e inglesa
Zdrojový dokument: Études romanes de Brno. 2013, roč. 34, č. 2, s. [149]-169
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The aim of this article is to answer the question: is it possible to determine which is the value system (as a part of a more general study of the so-called Picture of the World) that a specific culture has about the "other" – i.e. the nations and ethnic groups not belonging to my own culture – on the basis of linguistic analysis of idioms regarding those other foreign cultures? The results of this first approach to the topic have been processed using recently published literature on cognitive tools for analysing phraseology. For this paper 100 Czech, German, English and Spanish idioms were analyzed according to three categories: evaluation of the cognitive focus (positive, neutral or negative), sort of the cognitive focus (culture, idiosyncrasy, activity, physical or mental characteristic...) and conceptual distance to the "other" (the self, coexistence, vicinity, distance or exoticism).
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